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Chapter 27 Rowan POV

Nox finally found Fenrys and Aelins location. As soon as he did they pressed go on the "Killer of the Gods" plan. He also informed the FBI where they were located.

They were located in a warehouse in the slums of rifthold. Lysandra took us to Aelins old apartment where we were able to gather all the gear we needed to break them out. Lorcan had briefly brought up waiting for the FBI to find them and retrieve them. But Connall wasn't going for that. He said we had the skills to get them without having to work around and rules or guidelines. Aedion and I quickly agreed. We needed to get them out as soon as possible.

Elide and Lysandra would stay behind to help with try FBI when they finally showed up. Along with Dorian and Chaol for protection.

Aedion Connall and I were walking around the perimeter of the warehouse while Lorcan and Gavriel set themselves up on a roof to be lookouts.

Then we heard a gunshot and Aelin screaming out. So we released two knockout gas grenades into the room where everyone was at. That's when the FBI showed up. And they took over.

As soon as I spotted Aelin I fell to my knees. Aedion with me. Her body was so scared before. But now. There was barely a spot on her body that wasn't bruised. Or bloody. Then they carted Fenrys out on another gurney. Connall ran to that one. Then one with a cover over it. Aedion went to that one with tears already in his eyes.

As soon as he pulled the sheet off he let out a sob. Because Sam was the one that had been killed. The gunshot was for him. Aelin would never forgive herself. Aedion was quietly talking to the agent standing over Sams body.

I walked over to Aelins body. "Will she survive?" Because there was no way she would be okay after this.

The EMS in charge of taking her vitals. "It honestly looks worse than what it is. But she'll need a doctor to fully go over everything."

More agents came out with Arobynn and Maeve in handcuffs. Soon they would both be incarcerated and dead. But I still had to hold Aedion back from hurting Arobynn.

Aelin POV

I slowly came out of unconsciousness. But I made sure to take in my surroundings before I opened my eyes. I was in a hospital by the sounds and smells of it. Then my memory returned.

"Fenrys!" I had to know if he made it out. Because after loosing Sam the way that we did I couldn't bare it if I put Fen in the situation.

"Aelin?" I looked over to find bright green eyes staring at me. They were so different than Sams warm brown. "Fenrys is fine. He got released a couple of days ago. He should be coming back to check on you soon. Can I get you anything?"

"Please come here. I need to be held right now." Rowan obliged and I shifted to make more room on the small bed for him. He held me as I cried and whispered seeet nothings and comforting words in my ears.

"Miss Galathinyuis. Is this a good time?" Asked two people in suits.

"There's not going to be a better time. How can I help you?"

"We are here on behalf of Sam Cortlands will. He listed you as beneficiary. You'll be receiving all of his funds and housing. But also needed to know what you would like to do with his body?"

"I want him in my family's plot back in Terresan." There was no question. I would have always loved Sam. But we never would have worked out. They followed up with some more questions before the lawyers left.

"Aelin. I'm so sorry for Sam."

"Rowan, it wasn't your fault. I would always love Sam. But I'm not in love with him anymore. I haven't been for a long time. You hold that spot in my heart now."

A couple of more days went by before I was released from the hospital. The news was full of Arobynn and Maeves crimes and how their business were seized by the FBI. Their trials would start sometime next week.

Fenrys and I constantly had PTSD nightmares, which kept up the whole household, but no one complained. Even though they didn't go through what went through they all understood.

Months went by and we were slowly healing. Fen and I took the season off of track but we promised the coach we would be back next season. Spring football was starting soon and the boys were amping up for that. But we were all able to take a small vacation during spring break.

We went to a beach house on the coast. It was one of the houses that Sam had left for me. It was clearly decorated for my tastes. Everyone that came to the cabin in winter break was able to come for spring break. Dorian even managed to bring the girl he'd been keeping from us for months. Which happened to be Manon the captain of the girls rugby team.

Dorian was right to keep her from me for a little bit because we would have fought. But once we got on common ground we were inseparable.

The first night we spent there we all started plying a round of sand volleyball. And since we are all very very competitive the game got heated.

As it started getting dark and we were all getting more drunk we decided to call it a night.

I couldn't sleep so I wondered the beach. That's where Rowan found me. He set us both down and had me lean against his chest.

Later in the week the news informed us that a rouge assassin killed Arobynn in his cell after he informed against Maeve to get a lesser sentence. Since the assassin had worked for Maeve she was denied bail. And would be spending her life in jail.

We celebrated that entire night. Knowing that no one else had to go through what we went through. Fenrys and I were slowly healing. But still healing.

Once we got back to the cadre house we were left with a surprise.

Lyria was sitting on the front porch waiting for Rowan.

Author note.

So. This was supposed to be the epilogue. But as I was finishing it up. I got another idea. It's small and pretty irrelevant. But I want it in the story. So I have one more chapter of Modern AU!

As of right now I'm working on the Mafia AU. I'm plotting it out better that way I don't loose steam like i did with this fic. I also plan on giving a sneak peak of it in the next chapter. Then I'll post the first chapter of the Mafia AU!

If you have any suggestions or prompts you want me to use for the Mafia AU please leave a comment or message me! I would love to talk to you guys more!

Even if you want to talk about ToG! I'm down with that too! All of my friends are none readers so I don't get to fangirl over my favorites...

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