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Chapter 3 Aelin POV

After only telling Elide the bare necessities, I asked to hear about her. She just got to the topic of telling me of how she met the sulking brute when pounding and shouting started in the hall.

"What the..," Elide opened the door and Aedion came rushing in. With Lorcan right behind him.

"Ashryver you can just barge in here."

But Aedion only had eyes for me. "Why? How? Are you... where did you go?" With tears in both of our eyes we flung ourselves at each other and just held on.

I heard Elide usher everyone out of the room for some privacy.

All I had to say was, "Arobynn." Aedion understood immediately.

"You can tell me details later. I'm just so grateful you're here with me now. And the bastard will never get you again."

Rowan POV

A faint memory resurfaced of a blonde headed girl with eyes like wildfire at a nightclub last year.

"Will they be alright?" Gavriels melancholy voice rang out.

"Yes, they just haven't seen each other in a few years. But it's Aelins story. I'm not going to be the one to tell it. So don't even ask questions." Taking a turn to look each of us in the eye as she took Lorcans hand and left.

Walking next to Gavriel going home. He couldn't shake that he might have met Aelin somewhere. "Has Aedion ever spoken of Aelin? "

"Not by that name. He used to talk to Elide about a cousin but they never said a name. I wonder what her story is if it sent both Elide and Aedion on edge?"

"Elide seemed strangely loyal to her already. But if they grew up together it's understandable. Let's stop by a store for some groceries."

Rowan couldnt get it out of his head that he has seen her before. But not by that name...

Aelin POV

Elide came back to the room with some take out chinese. "Okay Aelin. lets hear more of your story." Aedion grabbed one of the containers. After opening the box, he handed it to her.

"Well, you know that i was involved with Sam." They nodded. "Well we were in love, and decided to take a weekend trip. However Arobynn, found us. Staying at the same hotel we were, all of his goons showed up. Got Sam and i into a car." tears started down my face." Sam tried to protect me, but he got knocked out. Arobynn then informed me that if i wanted you guys to live i must work for him. He also promised me any information regarding my parents assisanation, and to help me solve it." stopping to take a shaky breath. "He allowed me to write you letters Aedion, to show i was still alive, and taken care of. He then trained me with Sam. Arobynn started treating me like the daughter he never had. But before i left. I managed to pay him off, so i could leave for once and for all. I found out he had a son. That son knew, that son betrayed me, because he didnt want me to leave, since he never could. Arobynns son is Sam. Sams father is Arobynn."

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