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Chapter 12 Rowan POV

There was a knock on my door. Then ,"Rowan are you awake?" He quickly got out of bed to find Aelin standing at his door. "I need your help." His heart completely stopped when he took her complexion in. She was pale, and there was an arrow sticking out of shoulder blade. "Will you help me take this out?"

Still lost for words he lead her to the desk chair. "Let me get some supplies." Once he got what he needed he knelt down to exam the wound. "I'm going to have to cut your shirt. Is that okay?"

"Yeah. I'm sure you've seen plenty of women's body's. They don't have anything I don't." She tried to joke but her breathing was timid. He started cutting the fabric off. Just around the wound. Then looked at the arrow. This was going to hurt.

"Aelin. This is going to hurt. Do you want me to get Aedion?"

"No don't get Aedion. I don't need him to fuss like a mother hen." Still trying to make jokes of everything. She was so brave and selfless.

"Okay well bite down on this. I'm going to be as gently as I can but it's going to hurt like a bitch." She did as instructed with my belt between her teeth. Once I finally got the arrow out she was crying trying to not make a sound. "What happened? Who did this?"

She was trying to even out her breathing from the pain as I started to clean and sew the wound up. "Fucking Tern from the Guild. He likes to pretend his still in the medieval times. He probably just saw me and shot. He's a bastard like that." Once I was done she looked back at me. "Thank you Rowan. I didn't know who else to go to."

I reached for her cheek. Gently cupping it with my hand. "I'm here for you. Anytime Aelin, I promise." She looked me. Really looked at me like she could see through me. See everything that I am and would be.

"Rowan. You're beautiful." She gave me the softest smile.

"Well Aelin Galathynius. You're beautiful too. But you need to eat. I'll be right back." I went downstairs to get her some food since she missed dinner. But by the time I got back to the room she was already curled up on my bed with one of my football tshirts fast asleep.

Seeing her in my shirt brought on some satisfaction. I threw an extra blanket over her as I laid down. Careful not to touch her I finally had a restful night with no nightmares.

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