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Chapter 16 Rowan POV

I woke up and reached across the bed to the warm body next to mine. However the sheets were cold. I immediately sat up panicking. Where had Aelin gone? I grabbed my phone to call her but she had already texted me telling me she was going to the MMA building to train then should would be back after lunch.

With Aelin not being here there wasn't much for me to do except do a quick home workout. Maybe next time I'll join her with MMA. Then I heard the doorbell ring. Strange. Though it might be the heater guy. Pulling on a shirt I left the home gym to walk to the door.

When I opened the door it was someone I did not want to see.

"What are you doing here Sam?"

I'd never got a close look at Sam before. He was handsome, and he had a kind face. I could easily see where Aelin was attracted to him.

"I've just come to drop this off."He hands me a necklace," It's Aelins, it was in the jewelry box I took back."

Then he walked off without another word. 

Hours later Aelin finally returned home. She was soaked with sweat even though it was still freezing and snowing outside. But with the flush of her cheeks she'd never looked more beautiful. I gave her a quick kiss and told her Sam had came by.

"The necklace is a family heirloom. It's called the Amulet of Orynth." She said as she took it from me.

"I've been wondering. Why had you forgiven Lysandra and not Sam? "

Her eyes started watering. "Well I felt betrayed for so long that it's hard to push aside those feelings. But Sam was responsible for Bens death. Ben was Arobynn second in command. They grew up together. They were best friends.  Ben was a father figure to both Sam and I. But Ben had learned of Arobynns plan to send me to Maeve to kill her. He tried to reason with him. But it didn't work. The night that Sam scouted for Ben was the night i argued with Arobynn about that job. I refused to do it." Tests started falling down her face but I waited to wipe them away till she was done. "They had found out Ben was going to help me leave.  I was going to pay off Sams debts too, then take off. But then those two nights happened and then I found out that Sam was Arobynns son. He could never leave and didn't want me to leave either. So they planned for Bens murder. I couldn't tell Lysandra because I didn't know who she would go to with the information. I only found out because Ben had let me with a letter."

That's when i I hugged her. "I'm sorry." I didn't know what else to say. But I wouldn't pull away from her until she did first. We started like that until her stomach growled. " if you want to take a shower I'll start cooking lunch. Or order lunch."

"Chinese please!" Then she ran upstairs.

As soon as the food arrived Aelin appeared. Wearing a pair of my sweats and long sleeve t-shirt. "You know I like you wearing my clothes but if you get them all dirty I'm going to have to resort to only wearing underwear around the house."

She gave me a feral grin. "I wouldn't object to that buzzed." Then she dug into her food. I've never seen anyone eat as much as her. Even the lineman on his football team.

We ate in a comfortable silence. Once we'd finish we took our leftovers to the kitchen. Aelin then turned to me. She gently pushed against my chest till my back was against the fridge. Then kissed me with so much heat, and intensity, that I knew what she was wanting.

Then the doorbell rang.

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