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Chapter 23 Rowan POV

I could hear yelling from the sidewalk of the house. I walked into to the living room to see Aelin and Aedion standing on the couch yelling at each other. While Fenrys, Connall, Lorcan, and Elide were sitting down watching. Fenrys had an evil glint in his eyes. Lorcan looked annoyed. But Connall and Elide looked worried as the cousins laid into each other.

Aelin. "I hate you."

"Well next time, don't steal my Monopoly!" Aedion yelled back.

Connall trying to keep the peace. "Aedion give Aelin her $200. You landed on her property."

Aedion glared at Connall. "No! She's in JAIL. I'm not giving money to a CRIMINAL."

"That's not how you PLAYYYYY." Aelin shouted in Aedions face.

I looked over to Elide. "Why exactly are they shouting about."

"They are both too competitive. I told them this was a bad idea." Elide said.

Even though I already suspected who the culprit was. I looked at Fenrys and asked. "Who's idea was it then?"

Fenrys just smirked at me and continued to watch as the Ashryvers started hitting each other with pillows. Connall was still trying to keep the peace. Lorcan just looked slightly amused as he sat back and watch. Elide walked out of the room.

After about 30 minutes later they finally calmed down enough to put the game away. Everyone agreed to not let them play again each other again if they wanted the house to stay to not be burned down.

Aedion and Aelin were whispering to each other off in a corner as the rest of the Cadre came home. Elide and Lorcan cooked dinner.

As we were sitting down to eat Aedion said.
"How do you guys feel about taking a week of vacation in the Staghorns? Aelin and mine family have a cabin we can stay at during the holidays. Grant it, driving to Terresan is a long drive but it would be worth it."

"Yeah we could drive up on Sunday, stay the week, then leave on Saturday, or Sunday. Whichever works for everyone."

"The cabin has 10 bedrooms. So we could even invite Dorian, Chaol, and Nesryn." Aelin interjected.

Elide was beaming. "I haven't been there since we were kids! I want to go." She turned to Lorcan. "It's beautiful up there, you'll love it."

We all agreed to the plan then started making the necessary arrangements.

"Hey Rowan, when do you get the test results back?" Gavriel asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I should get them beck sometime this week."  I noticed Aelin glanced at me then quickly looked away. Continuing her conversation with Fenrys.

Aelin and I haven't had a full conversation since Lyria came to visit over fall break. I missed her more than I could have ever imagined. But hopefully I'll get the results before we leave that way I can spend the vacation with Aelin.

Aelin POV

It was raining. Of course it was raining when I need to watch Archer Finn. I was staring down at him from the building across from his townhouse. A man just walked into his home. The man had already been in the house longer than most of Archers other appointments. He was tall. And strangely familiar.

I heard a light footstep to my left. I quickly grabbed a hidden dagger and turned towards the person that tried to sneak up on me.

"Fuck Sam. What are you doing here?"

Sam at least looked surprised. "How did you know I was here?"

I just gave him a knowing look. Then went back to watching archers house. Sam crouched down beside me. I basked in the silence. I could almost imagine that we were doing a job together again. That nothing had changed. That he still held my heart.

"I need to talk to you."

I nodded for Sam to continue.

"I think you're in danger. I think Arobynn has something planned. I don't know what it is. But whatever it is it can't be good." My head jerked to look at the caramel brown eyes. The lighting making his eyes glow. "He pulled us off of keeping tabs on you. Of surveillance. But Aelin. I'll try to protect you. Not matter what you think. I will choose you over him."

3rd POV

He knew he didn't have much longer left. He had to get her. And soon. There was only about a week and a half left before the mission would be up. But he had luck on his side.

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