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Chapter 22 Rowan

Fenrys definitely knew how to throw a party. Especially a party to celebrate the end of our junior season. I walked downstairs from my room to witness a yelling match between the Ashryver cousins and the twins over beer pong.

"That's not how this game works. Fucking balls back man." Aelin yelled at Fenrys

Fenrys finally surrendered and said "You know Ace, all you had to do was ask about my balls. You didn't have to start a whole argument."

Aedion looked like he was about to die. Aelin looked smug "Are you sure you wanna being this up now? Because I can—" Fenrys immediately came over and clamped his hand over her mouth. He was whispering in her ear about something that only made Aelins eyes shine with mirth.

I just sighed and took off towards the kitchen. There I found Gavriel and Lorcan. The new guy was there too. Carin? I believe his name was. He seemed like a pretty cool dude however I could tell he had secrets. He wasn't very forthcoming and he stared at Aelin too much for my liking. But it's not like I had to right to go after every guy who looked at her too long. I would never make it out of a room.

They were talking about football for next season. And who would step up to replace the senior who left this year.

Chaol eventually joined us in the kitchen. Then Aedion. Muttering about not wanting to know about Aelins sex life.

Aelin popped her head in the door. "Chaol, you and Dorian vs us Ashryvers."

Chop grabbed a beer said "Bring it on." Then he and Aedion left.

Lorcan glared at me. "Dude. Stop mopping about it. Everything will eventually work out. And if it doesn't? Then you count yourself lucky." He shrugged and left.

Carin looked at me. "You mean to tell me you and Aelin had a thing?"

"Yeah it's complicated." I didn't feel like indulging him in any of my personal life. So I grabbed another beer and left the kitchen.

Aelin POV

Aedion and I beat Chaol and Dorian easily enough. Now we were in the championship. Against Lorcan and the new guy.

"Hey Ashryver if we win I get a date." Carin sneered towards us.

Aedion grinned and said "Thanks dude, but I have a girlfriend right now."

Carin looked affronted. "No I meant Aelin. Sorry bro. I don't swing that way."

"Ahh it's fine. Although you'd have better luck with me than Ace here." Then Aedion proceeded to sink his ball in a cup.

I rolled my eyes and sunk my ball. Declaring balls back. "Sorry Carin, I don't date."

The game went on until each team only had one cup left. Carin still hadn't let up about going on a date. He kept casually asking and throwing in jokes about it. I needed to find Fenrys or Dorian. But luckily Aedion and I won. And we celebrated the only way two vein blondes can.

I felt Carins eyes track me for the rest of the night.

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