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Chapter 26 Lorcan POV

We were all on edge as we got back to the cabin. Lysandra immediately got Aelins laptop from the bedroom she shared with Rowan.

Looking over at Aedion Lysandra had hesitated. "Aelin knew there might be a chance of something like this happening. So she told me everything. I know she's kept everyone at arms length and told you each different prices of this plan. But she told me if something were to happen to her, that I needed to set everything in motion." She took a deep breath and continued. "Her plan "Killer of the Gods" is a masterpiece. She's been working on this for years now. She's had Illias crew the sessiz suikast place individuals into every single one of Maeves and Arobynns businesses. Where they were to plant a virus into their computer system to gather any and all information while informing the FBI of everything. Then one of the silent assassins is supposed to take out Arobynn framing Maeve. Those are the basics of her plan. But before you ask. She made a deal with the FBI. All of your names would be cleared for the information given. Your names won't even appear on Maeves intel."

"What about my brother. He's been in on this with her since the beginning." Connall spoke so softly I don't know how we heard him.

Lysandra looked troubled. "I don't think Fen was supposed to be with her. I think Maeve and Arobynn worked together to abduct Aelin. Fen just happened to be with her. Sam hasn't been answering my phone calls, but he informed Aelin that Arobynn had pulled everyone off of watching her. Now we just have to wait to for Nox to find them. Aelin should have a tracker that only Nox knows about. We won't set everything in motion till we track and find them."

I looked over at Rowan. He was so calm with rage. I knew he would tear worlds apart for Aelin. Aedion looked beside hisself. He lost his cousin again.

"We'll find them and get them back. And make sure Arobynn and Maeve pay."

Fenrys POV
I watched as they tortured Aelin throughout the night. Trying to break her for information. Eventually they started using a whip. Most of Aelins nightmares were of her being whipped again. Now it seemed so much worse. They had doctors on hand to make sure she would survive.

Finally after days someone walked through the door that I recognized. Cairn.

"Well, well, well. You know for Ardarlans most famous assassin you were easily captured. And for you Fenrys, to once have been in Maeves inner circle you were all too easy to capture as well. Grant it. I almost ran out of time getting you. But it seems like waiting was just what we needed."

I watched as Archer Finn walked through the doors followed by two men dragging a tortured and damaged Sam behind them. Then entered Arobynn and Maeve.

Aelin slowly looked up to stare at Sams lifeless body. His chest was barely moving to signify breathing.

"What do you want "

"We want you dead. But we need information out of you. You've cost us big when you burned down the vaults last year. And you simply must pay for leaving Arobynns service. You know that you could never leave. But you left anyway." Maeve said looking at her nails.

Aelin scoffed. "You realize abducting is was a huge mistake right? Do you even realize what I've been doing this past year? Let Sam and Fenrys go and I'll tell you everything."

"No Aelin." Sam muttered. His breath catching on her name.

"Did you truly think I would break under torture. Or Sam or Fenrys for that matter?"

Arobynns grey eyes glimmered. "No little pet. I expect you to tell us everything or else Sam dies. Then tomorrow if you still haven't told us anything we'll kill Fenrys."

"You really think I'm that dumb? You wouldn't kill your own son."

"But my pet. What you seemed to not know is. Sam is not my son. He never was. That was just a ploy. I might have raised him. Bu to helped raise you too. As you know. I'm not against killing those close to me. I mean look at Bens murder. I set that whole thing in motion."

I felt my face ashen. I looked over at Aelin. She was trying to find her composure. Her hand were shacking. "You're lying." I simply said.

Aelin whispered. "He doesn't lie. He might play games. But Arobynn doesn't lie." Her eyes sorely on Sams.

"Now for our first question." Then a knife was embedded in Sams arm.

Later that night I could still hear Sams tortured cries. He told Aelin he loved her, he never stopped. He only wished they could have had a little more time. He would have waited for her.

When Maeve got the call about one of her business getting seized she was furious. But she hadn't put two and two together yet. Then Arobynns businesses started getting seized as well. Even though he was furious I could see his clear admiration for Aelin.

"Well pet. It seems like you were a few steps ahead of us. Kill the boy Cairn."

Cairn brought a gun to Sams head. And fired.

The scream that came out of Aelin was the worst sound I'd ever heard. The sound was so much worse than watching her get whipped since we were captured. So much worse than Sams tortured cries. I couldn't move as Aelin started sobbing.

Then we heard shuffling outside. Then gas filled the room quickly knocking the occupants in the room unconscious.

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