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Chapter 5 Aelin POV

I felt bad for snapping at Rowan. I just didn't want anyone to see me in that state. Why did Sam feel the need to contact her? It was stupid to not check the ID. Sam had the audacity to say he did it for me. She needed to burn off some steam.

After making sure Elide was asleep, I grabbed my mask and went to the PITS. Maybe this time she would find a worthy opponent. Plus the pits was an easy way to make some extra money.

It was nearly dawn when I came back to the dorms. Luckily it was Saturday, so no classes. Everyone would be at the game so I'd be able to sleep peacefully.

Elide and Aedion has invited her to the game but it wasn't worth it. Then Dorian texted

Text conversation from: Dorian
"You going to the Game?"
"You could sit by me? It'll be fun!"
"I need to catch up on my sleep. Maybe coffee later? Or tonight a bar?"
"I could come over now and 'help' you sleep ;)"
"Lol no."
"Then bar it is. I'll text you later with details!"

She had heard of the infamous Dorian Halliavard. Just the typical fuckboy. Even if she wasnt ready for a relationship, it doesn't mean she wasn't ready to move on physically? Sam had been her only partner. But could she use Dorian like that? He had once been good friends with me.

I soon fell asleep after Elide left after doing a little bit of research. Trying not to think of a brown eyed boy who broke my heart.

Lorcan POV

After the game. Which the my barely won. But they made playoffs. Everyone was in the living room celebrating with beer and pizza. Elide was sitting in my lap and for once I was actually smiling and enjoying myself.

Gavriel and Connell were talking on the couch. "Did you hear that Celaena Sardothien fought in the PITS last night?" The room immediately went quiet. Elide glanced at Aedion who was trying to control his features. What was that about?

"What do you mean? No one has heard from her since last spring." Rowan answered. He had be tasked by Maeve into recruiting the young girl. "Are you sure it was her?"

"Grant it we weren't there last night. But she gave her name and fought in the pits. She won every fight too. One of the guys on the team said she fought like a midnight storm." Connell said with a shrug if his shoulders.

"What would Maeve want from Celaena?" Elide said quietly.

"What she wants from us. To use as a lackey, undercover shit for her business. If the girl is pretty, might use her to gain other information. But since the girl always wears a mask no one knows what she looks like." I said as an explanation still glancing between Elide and Aedion. They know something about this girl. "That why Rowan couldn't figure out who she was. He'd been tracking her for months. Then she disappeared."

"I was close to knowing who she was. One night at a club. But she left before I could reach her." Rowan looked up. "That was the night the Vaults burned." The Vaults were owned by both Arobynn and Maeve. After it burned they built The PITS.

"That was Celaenes way of saying 'fuck you' to Arobynn and Maeve." Aedion said. "She probably went underground to make sure no one came after her." Aedions phone went off. He read the text message and said. "Damn. Dammit all to hell."

Elide looked up." What's wrong? Is it Aelin?"

"Yeah, Chaol just informed me she showed up to the bar with Dorian." Everyones eyebrows rose.

"What's the problem with that?" Fenrys asked "She can make up her mind about who she tangles with." He just wanted in the girls pants.

"It's not that." Elide coughed quietly. Aedion continued. "Fine it is that but she also has a bruised cheek. Apparently someone girl got jealous she was there with Dorian and got a hit in before Aelin realized what was happening. Then Aelin pinned the girl to the ground in self defense."

"Where the cops called?"

"Chaol said no but the bouncer kicked the girl out. Her name was Kailtan? Everyone is fine. But she's only been here a few days and already has enemies." Aedion looked at everyone. "So who feels like going to the bar with me. Lorcan and Elide need some alone time."

Elide starting to flush as I rolled my eyes. But I was glad to enjoy Elide alone. We rarely got the chance nowadays due to our busy schedules.

Rowan POV

I was walking with Aedion on the way to the club. After hearing that Celaena is back just after Aelin comes to town. I was even more sure that the two girls were one in the same. Smart of Aelin to use a different name in the underworld.

"How did your cousin learn self defense?"

"Her Ex boyfriend taught it to her I assume. He was protective over her." Aedion answered quickly.

"Who is her ex?"

"Not someone I want to get involved with. We all use to be friends. Elide, Aelin, the guy, and myself. That's how they met. But after what he's done to her, I can't forgive him. Even if he was once like a brother to me."

"You still didn't say his name. I overheard Aelin talking on the phone with someone the other day."

"Look if you're that curious about it. Ask her yourself. And maybe this time don't invite her to the house." With that they stopped talking about Aelin. 

The bar was also a nightclub. Since it was still early in the night it wasn't to busy yet so we didn't have to wait in line.  I immediately spotted Aelin dancing with Dorian. It struck me stupid how good she looked. Especially when she put some effort into it.

She was dressed in a long tshirt, almost a dress, with fishnet stockings and thigh high boots. Everyone kept stealing glances at her. Men and women. Gods whoever her ex was, he was dumb as shit.

Fenrys stopped by me and whistled when he saw who I was staring at. "Hot damn."

Aelin looked over then, when she looked at us she simply rolled her eyes. And continued dancing.

Aedion muttered. "I'm getting a drink. Or several."

Aelin POV

"I think Chaol texted my cousin." Dorian looked up into her eyes."The Cadre appeared."

"Well we should have some fun with that." He winked at me as he pulled me closer. "Fenrys is staring at us like a lost puppy."

Glancing up I saw he was right. Fenrys was a beautiful man. Just as Dorian was. "Wanna invite him over?" Biting me lip as I said it.

"I like where your mind is Galathynius."

Fenrys wasted no time coming over to join us, bring us each a shot. "Aedion will be furious. But who cares?" Chuckling as we took the shot.We danced for a long time like that.

Aedion eventually calmed down enough to start dancing with a white hair beauty. I believe her name was Manon. Her and her 13 friends were the lacrosse team. They all had this ethereal beauty about them.  But I knew they were deadly.

My research this afternoon helped me identify almost everyone here tonight. After I let it slip at the pits that Celaena was back I needed to watch out for anyone with a grudge.

Dorian eventually left with Chaol and Nesryn. Those two weren't so bad. Chaol was a bit uptight though. Nesryn didn't really speak or show emotion.

I danced with Fenrys till closing time. Then we all decided to go out for breakfast. After small talk about our lives Fenrys walked me back to my dorms. He kissed me on the cheek before he left. Making sure i had his number.

After taking a shower and climbing into bed, I fell asleep and dreamt peacefully for the first time in months.

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