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Chapter 18 Aelin POV

For the next couple of days I didn't go back to the house. I stayed with Dorian and got so drunk every night I couldn't remember why I was getting drunk. The rest of the cadre ended coming home early due to the whole situation.

Deep down I knew that if the baby was Rowans I could never be with him. I'd cause to much danger for the little one. And Rowan knew that too. That's why he didn't try to contact me. I couldn't hold a grudge against him either. Because this whole thing, was definitely not his fault.

Fenrys came by Dorians apartment and we all decided to get ready to go out. Fenrys also brought me an outfit.

"Thank you Fenrys."

He hugged me because he alone understood my feelings for Rowan. He's even the one that told me I should cook him dinner. "I'm so sorry Aelin."

"There's nothing you, or anyone else could do." Fenrys hugged me tighter then let go.

Once we got to the club the Cadre was already in our favorite booth. Dorian immediately grabbed my hand to start dancing. Fenrys went to the bar to order some shots for us.

Aedion and Lysandra quickly joined in. Leaving Lorcan, Elide, Gavriel, Connell, and Rowan at the booth. At least Rowan was smiling and laughing.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a face from my past. Shit was about to get interesting.

I walked up to the red haired female. And purred, "Hello Traitor."

She quickly turned around. Her grin so wide I saw all of their teeth. "Hello Bitch."

Lorcan POV

Whitethorn was trying to be happy. He kept forcing his smiles and laughs though. But I knew his non-breakup breakup with Aelin was troubling him. He kept sneaking glances her way every so often.

I watched as something or someone caught Aelins eye. She smiled wickedly. Then walked right up to a young red haired woman. They seemed to know each other the way those two were grinning like foxes. Then a male stepped up to them. He was the definition of tall dark and handsome. Except he had green eyes. Dorian walked over to them and Fenrys walked back to us.

"Who is that?" Elide asked. It shocked me because she always tend to know Aelins companies.

Fenrys ordered another drink then said. "Ansel is the red haired beauty. And Illias is the tall dark handsome one. Apparently they knew each other from a summer camp Aelin went to." The Fenrys looked at Rowan. "You had a date with Miss Red over there a couple of months ago, right?"

Rowan only glance at Fenrys long enough to nod. But his gaze went right back to Illias. Dorian and Ansel walked back to the dance floor while Aelin and Illias got another round of drinks. She was talking and laughing with Illias.

Aedion and Lysandra walked up to the booth then as we were scooting around making room I looked up one last time to look at Aelin. And she wasn't at the bar anymore.

"Where did she go?" Rowan looked frantic.

Fenrys looked as equally as unnerved. "I don't know. They were there  but now they're not. She told me she wasn't going to wonder off tonight." Then Fenrys phone went off. He read the message. Then reread it again. He slumped in his sit putting a hand over his eyes. "Her text said 'tell them to stop being mother hens. I'll be fine.' She said some other things but I doubt any of you wanting hear them."

So they enjoyed the rest of the night. Whitethorn looked put out about Aelin leaving without saying anything to them. But everyone knew Aelin wouldn't jeopardize Rowan.

The next morning:

Everyone was in the kitchen or dining room waiting for breakfast. Aedion was cooking with the help of Gavriel, when the front door swung open. Aelin came walking in with the same clothes on as last night.

"Aelin you smell like a pack of cigarettes, and cheap beer." Aedion said as he walked up to her. She trip over her feet and started giggling. "Wait are you still drunk? Aelin it's 10 am."

"If I tell you that I'm not drunk. Will that be an appropriate answer for you dear brother." She then patted him on the cheek. Aedion just crossed his arms over his chest waiting for an explanation. "Ugh fine. I might still be drunk. But but as drunk as I was. Better?"

Aelin poured herself a cup of orange juice. "Illias and I haven't seen each other since last summer. We went to an old biker bar where a biker gang challenged us to some drinking games. We won by the way. Then Dorian and Ansel showed up. And we were just out"

Aedion was fixing to lose his shit. "You were almost got black out drunk in public. Did you forget that Sam and his crew were out there?"

Aelin lost any smirk she had. He face going as still as possible. "No. Aedion I haven't forgot Sam. Not for once second. But not even Arobynn would touch Illias. So I was safe. I'm probably safer with just Illias than I am here." Then she stormed to her room. Making sure she slammed the door.

The room was quiet and everyone ate in peace. I looked over to where Elide and Lysandra were whispering.

Aelin came back in the dining room after she showered and changed. Then sat at the table with the girls and announced they were having a girls days.

Something wasn't adding up. Lorcan just didn't know what it was.

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