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Chapter 15 Rowan POV

We watched the first two Harry Potter movies before getting ready for dinner. The movies were pretty decent, but Aelin was convinced I would have been in Slytherin, and she would have been in Gryffindor.

Aelin had grabbed clothes from her room to get ready in mine. Since I had the only fireplace in the house. I got ready in the bathroom since I needed to shower while she got ready in my bedroom. I tried not to think about her undressing. But my mind still wandered back to that fact every once in a while.

The fact that I started falling for her without even dating her first was dangerous. I wasn't sure what she wanted. And there was no way I was going to pressure her into anything. Maybe I should just let her come to me? Should I throw out subtle hints. Or just see where tonight takes us.

I walked out of the bathroom to see what Aelin was wearing. Once again, I was struck stupid to how good she looked. Especially when she wanted to look good. She was wearing tight skinny jeans with heeled booties, and a thick green sweater. She did minimal makeup, just enough to bring out her features.

"You look great." I said before I could loose my nerve. No other female, not even lyria, has ever made me feel the way i do with Aelin.

She gave me a soft smile and said, "I know, but thank you."

We decided to go to a simple sports bar. Everyone once in a while a male would get ballsy and come up to Aelin to ask for her number. She just politely declined saying she wasnt interested. Then she would look at me to make sure her point got across.

The food was great, so was the beer I drank. The conversation between Aelin and I was easy, effortless. We paid for our dinner then started walking home. On the way it began to snow.

I took Aelin under my arm, "Come here." Muttering her thanks she let me warm her. "Just out of curiosity, why didn't you give any of those men your number?"

She glanced up at me and stopped, "Well 1, it would have been foolish to give my number out to strangers. They might have a connection to someone from my past. 2, none of them caught my eye. They must have been very interested to my fun parts if they came up to me while you were there." She shrugged like it was nothing. The continued our walk.

"So, none of them caught your eye?" I just couldn't let it go.

She huffed a laugh. "So why if they did Rowan Whitethorn, do you have an objection to that?"

Trying to play it off, "Oh no, you could have given your number to anyone of them. Wouldn't have bothered me one bit." Such a lie.

She stiffened a bit, "Are you sure of that Whitethorn? Because I can go back there."

I was barely breathing, "If you want to."

Aelin completely stopped us. She turned to look at me, tearing herself away from underneath my arm. "Is that what you really want me to do? Go back there and get those men's numbers?"

"No it's not what I want." I couldn't look Aelin in the eyes.

She whispered,"Tell me what you want."

I finally looked into her eyes and said just as quietly, "I'm not sure if you'd want the same thing."

She looked from my eyes to my lips and back, "Oh you dammed fool." Then she brought her lips to mine. She tried to pull back but I leaned in, then grabbed her face gently as I deepened the kiss. My hand moved to the back of her neck, as the other tilted her face up towards mine. Aelin deepened the kiss even further by sliding her tongue against my lips.

We broke away once we realized we were still outside. Grabbing her hand i led her back home.  Where we laid in my bed watched movies, cuddled and kissed.

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