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Chapter 17 Aelin POV

The fucking doorbell rang. And like a child I stomped my foot. Rowan just flicked my nose saying it could have been the heater person. He strolled to the door and opened it. I kept standing in the dining room.

His entire body went still, he face paled. Any sort of expression left his face. "What are you doing here?"

A soft feminine voice sounded throughout the room. "I need to talk to you. It's important."

Rowan still stood in the door, his muscles were taut with restraint. "You could have easily called. There was no need for you to show up here unannounced."

"Rowan. Let me in. Trust me it's important." The she shoved past him. As the woman walked in I noticed she was very delicate looking, with long brown hair and brown eyes. Then those eyes locked on me. "Who are you?"

Smirking, "Why does it matter? I go by a lot of names. Who are you?"

"I'm Lyria." The floor seemed to move underneath my feet. But luckily my facial expression did not so much as flickered.

Still smirking, I walked by her making sure I had my insufferable swagger walk down. "Is that name supposed to mean something to me?"

Lyria took a step towards me. Oh if she was smart she wouldn't take another step. "Well considering you're wearing some of Rowans clothes I would think you would know who I am.  Unless your just some random hookup."

Anger flashed in my eyes. "Lyria, do not. Talk to her like that." Lyria finally broke her gaze from mine and looked toward Rowan. Who did not move away from the door. "Once again I'll ask you what you are doing here."

She took a long deep breath. "I need to do a DNA test. I think the baby is yours. She has your green eyes."  

My heart simply stopped. I watched as Rowan took a shakey breath and barely made it to the couch. Before he's knees have out. He buried his head in his hands.

Finally finding my voice I said, "I'll leave to let you two talk." I ran to my room to get dressed then grabbed some clothes incase i stayed somewhere else.

Once I walked back to the living room Rowan and Lyria were in a deep discussion.

"You don't have to leave." Rowan could barely look at me.

"I do. I'll stay somewhere else tonight if needed. If I don't hear from you I'll stay away. But if you need or want me to come back here just text me."

I called Dorian when I left the house. He luckily answered and said to come on over. So I started walking in that direction.

I knew in my heart that if Rowan was the father he would do the right thing for the child. Even if that meant I wasn't in his life.

Rowan POV

I watched as Aelin walked out of the house. My head couldn't wrap around the fact that the baby could be mine. I was so convinced that it wasn't that I never even considered the fact that it could be.

"Why are you just now coming to me with this? "

Lyria took a sit at the opposite side of the couch. "I was convinced she wasn't yours. Until her eyes started to turn green. The other guy. Well he has blue eyes. She's with him right now. He said he would only stay with me and the baby if she was his. So we need to do a blood DNA test."

"Why do you need me to do a DNA test?"

"Well if she is yours I would like to raise her together. I know you'll never forgive me and never trust me again. But I want her to have both parents."

He never wanted anything so bad before, but he also didn't want this either. Not with Lyria. Not anymore.

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