The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 8)

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 "Now jump up and down three times, then spin around, then rub your bears heart to get it beating."

Ash watched in amusement as I went through the entire ridiculous routine, before finally shoving the red silk heart into the hole in my polar bears back. The guy stitched up Mr Scribbles, before handing it back to me.

"I hope you have a beary good day."

"Uh, yeah you too."

Halden had ditched us about half an hour after we'd gotten here, because of something that was going on with him and Brooklyn that required him to constantly be on his phone. He was apparently meeting back up with us later, but it'd been two and a half hours, and it was seeming less and less likely that he was coming back.

I didn't really mind though. In fact, Id totally forgotten that he'd even come with us. Ash was actually a lot of fun to be around, even though he was highly embarassing.

He pulled out his wallet and paid the Build A Bear employee for the polar bear he'd insisted on getting me. I drummed along to the annoying background music as the acne ridden guy behind the counter placed Mr Scribbles carefully in the house shaped box, then handed it to me.

Ash thanked him before we headed back out into the swarm of shoppers.

"So what now? You wanna go bra shopping for your mahoosive chest? Get something to eat?"

I scowled at him. People would for ever be making fun of my boobs since I was one of those poor lanky kids who was tall and skinny, but not in the good kind of way. More in the I'll-never-grow-out-of-my-awkward-stage kind of way.

He elbowed my flat chest and I punched him in the shoulder.

"No thanks. Lets just wander and go wherever we end up."

He shrugged and kept walking, adjusting his grey toque slightly. He'd combed his bangs back into it, the streak of white standing out among the black, not a single strand out of place.

I stumbled slightly as Ash gave me a hard tug on my arm, pulling me towards Pet Mania.

"Warning would be nice."

"I'm sure it would be, but that's not much fun for me, now is it?"

I sighed as I let him pull me through the store all the way to the large glass tanks at the back, where some depressed looking fish bobbed up and down, staring at me with their large sad eyes. It was kind of disturbing.

"Aw, aren't they adorable Hartley?" he asked, tapping on the glass with his knuckle. The fish just stared and kept bobbing.

"About as adorable as someones face after they've been mauled by a carnivorous ape."

"Hey, don't even joke about it, that's some serious shit. I donate a hundred bucks annually to the Contain the Vicious Apes charity."

I poked him in the side and he laughed before moving over to the other tanks on the far wall. I watched as he stared intently at something in the glass box, his eyes unblinking in a creepy way. I watched for a few minutes as people walked by, some bumping into him roughly, but he remained focused.

Soon I gave into my curiosity and went over to stand beside him. What could possibly be so entertaining that Ash was totally ignoring the people who were repeatedly crashing into him?

I almost rolled my eyes at the answer, but stopped myself.

It was a turtle.

On a log.

Doing nothing but staring.

And the worst part was, Ash was staring back.

"Are you aware that you're having a staring contest with a turtle right now?"

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