The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 23)

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Tristan's. As in, NOT HARTLEYS.

We all on the same page here? Good.


"Why's there a mosquito bite on my arm?" Halden muttered to himself, breaking the awkward silence that had descended upon his arrival.

"Hey, here's a wild idea. Maybe a mosquito bit you." Dallas grumbled from the pleather armchair in the corner of the room, where he had been glowering since he arrived. It probably had something to do with the fact that Nicola had thrown a tantrum when she'd realized he was going to see Hartley, and insisted on going with him.

"Yes, but its November."

"Settle down you guys, this fight is getting out of hand." Hartley said, suppressing a laugh as she picked at the tape over her IV. Halden put his hand over hers lightly, and she hesitantly stopped.

When Halden showed up half an hour ago, he'd immediately crammed himself onto the hospital bed beside her. We'd all watched in silence as they'd whispered back and forth to each other, and I sighed.

Part of me felt like I should've been the one playing with her hair and whispering secrets and jokes to her instead of him, but sadly, that was probably never going to happen. I had been friend zoned countless times in my 17 years of existence, but none of them had ever stung as much as this.

"Hartley Wolf?" a nurse with a thick Swedish accent asked, hesitantly taking a step into the room. Winnie the Pooh was embroidered on the breast of her scrubs, partly obscured by the clipboard she was clutching to her chest, as if one of us was going to rip it away from her at any second.

"That's me." Hartley informed her, as if the hospital gown she was wearing didn't make it completely obvious.

"Follow me, it's time for your ultrasound."

She sent me a nervous look, and slowly lifted herself off the bed, wheeling the IV stand behind her. Halden wished her good luck, giving her a hug that lasted too long to be considered casual, and I had the strangest feeling that he was only doing it to show off the fact that he had successfully made Hartley like him, whereas I had failed miserably for years.

She punched me lightly in the shoulder on the way out, and I tried my hardest to smile back. Halden got what was probably the longest hug in history. I got punched. Nice.

"Wanna go to Starbucks?" I asked Dallas, not wanting to be in the presence of Halden longer than necessary, especially without Hartley around to act as a buffer.

"I'm so glad you asked. Get off me, short stuff." Dallas said, and Nicola giggled, shifting her position so that she was actually more firmly on his lap than she had been before.

"I'm not short, I'm fun sized!!!"

"Okay now you're not only short, you're also annoying. Get up." he ordered, all the patience he'd previously had draining from his voice.

"Excuse me? You used to be nice, that's why I went out with you. I really don't appreciate you treating me like this."

"I've never been nice, and never will be. I'm sorry that I haven't lived up to the perfect image of me that you created."

Halden's eyes got wider and wider as Dallas started to raise his voice, and I had to say, I felt bad for the guy. Here he was, stuck in a room with three people he hardly knew, watching what was on the verge of becoming one of the most bitter break ups ever.

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