The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 49)

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“Tristan, it's been like 20 minutes, I will honestly vomit on you if you don't tell me whats going on.” I threatened, kicking a clump of wet snow across the playground at him. He had insisted on taking me to the park near his grandma's house before revealing this big “secret”, but so far he hadn't said more than 10 words to me.

“I know, I know, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to think of a way to say this that wont upset you.”

“Last week I accidentally threw out my turkey sandwich and started crying. There is literally no way you could phrase it to make me not be emotional. Everything upsets me.”

“Wow that's reassuring. Okay, promise you wont shoot the messenger, okay?”

“I promise,” I said, biting my thumbnail nervously. I regretted not just calling Ash back and getting him to explain it, because at least he wouldn't have tried to sugar coat it like Tristan was bound to do. I could practically see the kid mentally editing whatever he was about to say.

“Alright. Last night at like three in the morning, I got a call from Ash and he said that he thought it would be better if I told you, but I said that we should just not say anything for a while and see how it plays out, but eventually he said that if I didn't tell you by noon, then he was going to. So yeah. Now I'm telling you. There's uh...there's been reason to believe that Halden's cheating on you.”

Excuse me?” I snarled, jumping off the swing so that I was eye level with Tristan. He stared at me with mild terror, but as far as I could see he looked like he was telling the truth. “I need details, please.”

“Right. So I guess Ash and Halden were hanging out yesterday since Halden got back from his cruise, and apparently he just spent the entire time texting someone and completely ignored Ash. So when Halden went to the bathroom, Ash went through his inbox and there were texts like “I miss you so much, I just want to see you again” and one from a different number saying, “You didn't even say goodbye to your girlfriend, she's crying on her bed right now and I don't know what to do” and considering you've been with me the whole time and there's been no reports of you crying on your bed, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he's been talking to a different girlfriend.”

If you had been listening closely, you could probably have heard the exact second my heart had shattered. I just couldn't accept the fact that Halden, the same Halden who snuck in my window and watched Santa Clause Conquers the Martians with me, was capable of cheating on me. Tears immediately sprang to my eyes, and I shook my head violently.

“No. No he didn't. I'll call him and straighten this out,” I said quietly, my voice wavering as I slid my phone out of the pocket of my winter coat and speed dialled him.

He picked up on the third ring, with a distracted, “Yeah?”

Not a, “Hartley! I missed you so much, are you having a good time?” or a “I love you and cant wait to see you!”

Nope. I got “Yeah?”

“Hey, you. What're you up to?” I said, hiding my shaky voice with a nervous cough.

“I'm, uh. I'm playing video games, and I'm in the middle of a boss battle so I'll call y-”

“Ask him about Cecilia.” Tristan whispered urgently, biting his lip with a look of insane uneasiness plastered on his face.

“No are you crazy, what if you guys are wrong?” I whispered back harshly, but Tristan just raised his eyebrows incredulously at me as if to say “you know we're right, just do it”.

“Wait, Halden?” I asked, just as he was about to hang up, and I heard him sigh before lifting the phone back to his ear.

“Yes, Hartley?”

“Who's Cecilia?”

There was silence for a long time on the other end, and I bit my lip to try and prevent myself from crying in front of Tristan, who's hand was now squeezing my knee. I had a hard time telling whether or not he was doing it to comfort me, or to keep himself from ripping the phone out of my hand. Either way, I appreciated it.

“Hartley...I think we should talk about this when you get home. Merry Christmas.” he said quietly, and then he hung up, leaving me to the sound of my halting breathing and the static from the dead receiver.

Surprisingly enough, I managed to keep it together. For about thirty seconds. Next thing I knew I was on all fours in the snow, sobbing so hard I thought I might cough up an organ. Tristan dropped to his knees beside me in a flash, pulling me into his chest. I continued to sob into the front of his coat for what seemed like hours, while he murmured “No, no don't cry. Please dont cry, I'm here, I'll take care of you. Please don't cry.” over and over again.

The worst part was, was that I blamed myself for not expecting it in the first place.


Hey you guys! Feedback would be greatly appreciated it, this is the chapter im sure a lot of you have been waiting for, but dont get your hopes up yet though. :)

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