The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 57)

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I get that you have a lot to deal with right now, but I just want you to know that whenever you get everything together, I'll still be here, waiting. I don't want you to say anything now, because I know you're emotional and I don't want to be a rebound. I want to do this on your own terms with your own timing. I'll wait as long as I have to. I promise.”

It'd been two months since Tristan had made that promise to me, and once he'd gotten over the fact that I had briefly dated his brother, he had left me a voice mail letting me know that the promise still stood and that he still loved me. But as much as I tried, I just couldn't bring myself to get over Halden and Seth. There were always just little things everywhere that reminded me of them, like the stairs where I first saw Halden, or every time I saw a black BMW that looked just liked Seth's. It was hard, but it was getting better, because after today, I would never have to see Halden again. Both Seth and him would be gone for good, and as the saying goes, “out of sight, out of mind.” Then again, Dallas had also pointed out that “distance makes the heart grow fonder.” Jerk.

“Which side does the tassel thing go on?” Tristan asked, hunching over to look in the mirror beside me, his eyes crossing to look at the cluster of yellow strings dangling above the bridge of his nose. I smiled nervously and repositioned his graduation cap, and he grinned.

“Nervous?” he asked, and I snorted.

“You're the one who's graduating, not me.”

“That's very true.” he agreed, pulling me into a hug and twirling me around. I laughed and he set me back down on my feet, his arms still locked around my waist. I looked up at him, and he looked back down at me, and we both leaned in and-

“We leave in 5 minutes, have either of you seen Quinn? He sort of has to graduate today so it'd be nice if one of you could tell me where he is,” Lacey asked in a rush, using one hand to put on mascara and the other to zip up her dress. Tristan and I both let out an annoyed sigh at the interruption, but shook our heads no.

She let out a string of profanity and stalked out of the room, just as the front door slammed and Quinn's voice filled the hall. Lacey yelled back at him from the kitchen, and pretty soon it was another full blown Carr sibling fight.

“Is the moment over, or is there still a chance of getting that kiss?” Tristan asked, taking one of my hands loosely in his. I snorted, and flicked his tassel out of the way, making it easier for me to lean in and kiss him on his freshly shaven cheek.

I never got to answer, because at that moment, Lacey yelled, “Hurry up you jackasses, we're leaving.”


“Dallas, get out of the way, you're blocking the view,” I hissed, squirming in one of the fold out chairs that the school had provided.

“I am the view,” he said, turning around to waggle his eyebrows at me seductively. Lacey snorted beside me, and Dallas flipped her off just as the principal walked onto the stage to give his annual graduation speech.

As Dallas put it, sitting there for hours while we waited to see Quinn and Tristan graduate was “boring as balls.” About half an hour in, Dallas, Lacey and I had resorted to coming up with games to keep ourselves occupied. At one point, Dallas had come up with this game where we imagined corn rows on everyone we know, and it was the best game ever, but eventually we ran out of people and the boredom descended once again.

“So what're we doing after this?” I asked, unbraiding and then rebraiding my hair for about the 50th time.

“After party at my place, I guess. I ordered an ice cream cake yesterday, but I-”

“Wait, shut up.” Dallas hissed, cutting Lacey off, and all of our heads whipped around to look at the stage.

“Congratulations to Tristan Wilks, who will be attending the University of Arizona this fall. He plans to major in...”

The rest of his sentence was lost on me, because my head was suddenly a washing machine full of thoughts. Arizona was 3000 kilometres away. I would only see him a few times a year, tops.

I had missed my chance with Tristan by wasting my time on all the wrong guys.


okay question time: 1) do you want me to end this story soon? Because i mean i was going to kind of write a few chapters where they go on a trip but they aren't necessary and it would just drag this story out even more, but yeah i don't mind writing it if you guys want to read it, but i also don't mind just jumping to the ending 2) so for the possible sequel, would you want it from Hartleys point of view still? Cause i know a lot of you are getting fed up with her but i mean she wouldn't be as skanky in the sequel if i write one. I dunno, let me know what you guys think :)

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