The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 26)

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“MOM!” I hollered, and I heard an exasperated sigh as she shuffled into my room.

“What now?”


“Complaining about it should do the trick.” she informed me, and I let out an annoyed growl. Halden and his family were picking me up soon, and I still looked like a crazed homeless woman. My hair only behaved on two occasions: when I wasn't going to see anyone, and just before I went to bed. Never when it actually mattered.

“GRAAAH,” I raged, pulling the brush through my hair with super human strength, praying that it would make a difference.

There was a faint knocking sound from upstairs, and my mom bolted out of my room to go answer the door. Halden was half an hour early and I still looked like I'd been dragged through a feild of bushes. That was most definitely not fair.

“C'mon in, she's downstairs.” I heard my mom say, followed by the sound of him descending the staircase to my room. I settled on putting my hood up and pulling the strings down so that only my nose poked out.

“Hey.” he said, and I heard the crinkling of plastic as he awkwardly fiddled with something. I undid my face cocoon slightly to see what it was, and jumped back slightly.

“What the hell?”

“I uhm... these are for you, obviously.” Tristan said quietly, placing the bouquet of roses on my bed.

“You're supposed to be Halden.”

“I wish, man, I wish. But I thought I'd stop by to, uhm, apologize for my tantrum earlier.”

“Okay. You're forgiven,” I said anxiously, just praying that he would leave incase Halden actually decided to show up earlier than planned.

“No, there's more.” he said, flopping down onto my bed and patting the empty space beside him. I sighed and layed down, dreading whatever he was going to say.

“I don't know where to start.” he said after a while, and I felt a spark of annoyance deep inside me. I had a pretty good idea of what he was going to say, but I didnt want to hear it.

“I don't like you, Tristan. Not in that way.”

“Harsh.” he murmurmed, sending me a half smile that broke my heart. But apparently he hadn't taken the hint, because he continued.

“I'm not asking you to fall in love with me, okay? I just want you to listen to me. Please, Hart.”

I nodded slowly, pulling my knees up into my sweatshirt and picked nervously at the fraying sleeve as I waited for him to continue.

“Good. Basically, I just... every minute I'm not with you, is the most shitty, dragged out, lonely moment ever. And I guess everyones right when they say that you never know how much you love someone, until you watch them love someone else. I-”

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