The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 61)

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There is nothing I hate more than being in cars with boys. They always roll down the windows, and my hair always ends up turning into some weird half-Medusa, half-tornado thing on top of my head, and they don’t even care about my feelings. This, of course, is exactly what Spruce and Moth (as the greasy guys in the front seat had introduced themselves as) did the second we'd all gotten into the van about five hours ago.

Everyone else was passed out in various places in the back of the van, several teenage bodies draped over the many suitcases and backpacks that cluttered the floor. I was the only one who'd stayed awake, and had spent the last few hours getting to know the guys who were driving us across the country. You know, just to make sure they weren't axe murderers or anything. That would've been a bit of a bummer for all of us.

“...We dated for a long time. Almost married her. But just keep in mind, no matter how much they say they love you, their love for drugs will always be stronger,” Moth sighed, finishing off his rant that had started nearly half an hour ago. He ran a hand through his tangle of unwashed, sun bleached curls, before pulling on to the highway. The three of us had been exchanging relationship horror stories for a while now, and I had to admit, I was becoming pretty attached to these guys.

“So, about this Halden guy,” Spruce asked, turning in the passengers seat to look at me, “You need us to go rough him up a bit for you? He sounds like an A+ douchebag.”

“Oh, he is,” I agreed, thinking back to the last day that we talked, a few hours before he graduated. The last conversation we'd ever had, and it was oddly comforting to know that it was all over.

Halden was hunched over, his hands stuffed in his pockets as he leaned against the tree, waiting for me. The rain poured through the leaves, drenching his hair and hoodie, and he just looked so familiar and handsome as the water dripped off the tip of his hair, sliding over the bridge of his nose and over the lips that I had kissed a million times.

For a moment, I let myself pretend that he hadn't cheated on me. That everything was still good between us. That we would hug and then he'd take my hand and we'd go get coffee somewhere. But it wasn't like that anymore, and it wouldn't be again.

I pretended not to hear him when he said it, so I said “What?” and then he said “Nothing.” What he said the first time was, “You know, I lost all my friends and my girlfriend because of you.” It wasn’t those exact words, but that’s what was said. That kind of pissed me off because he didn’t HAVE to talk to me in the first place. I kind of wish he hadn’t. It would’ve saved me a lot of heartache, and maybe Tristan and I couldve worked out.. Anyway, when he said that I said in my head, “They obviously weren’t real friends if they left you for such a petty reason, dumbass.” He should be happy they left it showed him who’s real in his life, right?

We didn't say much to each other after that, just stared at our feet, mostly, until he looked up and said, “I'm dating Brooklyn again. We've been dating for two months now. Thought you should know.”

Two months. Halden and I hadn't broken up until a month ago. He'd been dating her while he was dating me. That was almost enough to make me punch him again, but without Dallas here to back me up, it probably would have ended badly.

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