The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 7)

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I sent Quinn a half hearted wave as I turned down the hall towards the bathrooms, passing him at his locker. I'd had way too much coffee this morning, and it was all starting to catch up to me now. One cup was okay, and two cups was all right. Three cups was pushing it, but four cups made me regret ever being born.

Speedwalking towards the bathroom door at the end of the hall, I spotted a group of guys sitting on a low island of lockers on one side of the hallway, laughing loudly, and one caught my eye. Halden was grinning at something one of his friends was saying, and I was so mesmerized by the adorableness of it that I didn't realize what was happening till it was too late.

Something hit me in the butt and stuck there, causing the guys to go quiet then burst out laughing again, louder than before.

Horrified, I looked down to see half a peanut butter sandwich stuck to my jeans. My new jeans.

My head snapped back up, and I stared into the eyes of the only guy not laughing. He had black hair with a chunk of white down the middle, and his skin was so pale he was almost grey.

I shot him a death glare, before stomping past the group into the bathroom. Not only did I have to worrying about getting to the bathroom before my bladder erupted, but now I also had to worry about getting the big brown patch off of my ass. I took care of my business first, before heading over to the towel despenser and grabbing a handful. I crumpled them up and ran them under the hot water, cursing as I scrubbed. 

10 minutes of scrubbing later, I emerged into the hall, my pants still sporting an ugly light brown stain as well as a massive wet spot. The skunk haired guy  who'd thrown the sandwich was leaning against the wall beside the door, waiting for me, I assumed, chewing his thumbnail and looking worried. The hall was quiet, his friends nowhere to be seen.

"Hi. I apologize for your jeans." he told me, running a hand through his hair.

I opened my mouth to snap at him, but stopped when I saw his facial expression. He had the biggest, chocolatey brown puppy dog eyes going on right now, and I melted.

"Its totally fine, I'll just wash them I guess."

"Awesome." he said, relief flooding over his features. "I'm Ash, by the way."


He stuck out his pale hand, and I stared at it. Teenagers didn't shake hands, that was like, against the rules.

"Too cool for that? I get it. Here." he said, curling his hand into a fist, and I bumped my knuckles with his.

"I see how it is," a new voice said from behind me, "No lovin for Halden?"

My mind blanked, then quickly turned into a flurry of "ohmygodohmygodohmygod" and other illegible thoughts. 

"I... uhm..."

He gave me an amused look, and I sighed. I was blowing it, naturally.

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