The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 33)

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Originally, I'd thought that Dallas was literally the only person left who wasn't totally bitter over the fact that I'd hardly talked to them since I met Halden, but luckily for me, it turned out Sammy hadn't joined the lets-shun-Hartley club yet either. He bounced up and down excitedly as I approached my locker, looking an awful lot like a hyper chihuahua right before it released its bladder all over your carpet.

“Hartley! We're hanging out today, okay? You've been avoiding me for like a month, and I'm putting my foot down.”

The sigh I let out after hearing that was so loud, I was surprised the earth didn't shake. Halden had invited me over to his house after school, and I'd been anxiously waiting for the day to end so that we could celebrate our couple-ness. But Sammy was right, and with one last dramatic sigh, I texted Halden to tell him that I couldn't make it, while Sammy continued to bounce up and down in front of me.

“Alright. This better be good.” I muttered, tucking my hair into my hood.

“Oh it will be!” he beamed, and even though I was still annoyed about having to cancel on Halden, I couldn't help but grin back.

After almost 20 minutes of walking, Sammy turned and cut across a sprawling lawn towards a welcoming two story farmhouse, painted a sunny yellow, the kind of house that reminded you of grandmas and summer and goodness.

“This is the sexiest house I have ever seen.” I stated, staring up at the massive structure in front of me.

“House fetishes. That's got to be a first.” he said, fishing around in his pocket for a minute before sliding his key into the lock. I followed him inside, kicking off my rain soaked Converse onto the front mat.

“Alright,” he said, shrugging out of his canvas coat, “my room is upstairs, so you can go wait there while I get us some snacks.”

I nodded, and nearly sprinted up the staircase, excited to see what Sammy's room looked like. I opened the first door I saw, and, using my Nancy Drew skills, I immediately decided it wasn't Sammy's room, mostly due to the fact that a) he probably had no use for the bras scattered across the carpet, and b) “SARAH” was written across the wall in block letters.

It took two more tries until I found his, which was embarrassing considering there was a sign on the outside of his door that read “Sammy's Room.” I never claimed to be the most observant person, okay?

Originally, I'd been expecting him to have the typical guy room, with stacks of sports gear and maybe a poster of a half naked woman or something, but no. Sammy wasn't your typical guy, after all. Three of his walls were dotted with what had to have been hundreds of Polaroids, while the remaining wall was basically just one big bookshelf that broke in the middle to make room for a window seat.

I studied the wall closest to me, surprised to find that about 10 of the Polaroids there were of Sammy and my friends, participating in multiple events that I hadn't been invited to. I'd known that Sammy was friends with my friends, but I'd always thought that they were those kinds of friends who were only friends during school hours. Apparently I'd missed out on more than I'd thought while I was busy chasing Halden.

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