The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 3)

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I had a long list of things that werent worth getting up at 6 in the morning for, and locker assignment day was most definitely one of them. However, the schoolboard absolutely insisted on dragging all the students back to the school before summer was over, just so they could pay their student fees and receive one of the schools magnificently vandalized and dented lockers. Even worse than the fact that I had to get up early, was the fact that locker assignment day meant that tomorrow was a legitimate school day.

A legitimate school day meant that I would be forced to interact with my classmates. I tried to fool myself by thinking, 'maybe people aren't that bad.. maybe they've changed over the summer or maybe I was just overreacting.."  But then I realize everyone still sucks just as much as they did the year before.

I turned on the sink and stuck my head under the water, in a sad attempt to tame my bed head. At the end of every summer, it was always the same. A week before school started, I got really excited, thinking about how great I was going to look with my longer, more sun bleached hair, and my new wardrobe. Then, about two days before school started, I realized I looked like Gollum from Lord of the Rings, and my mood just kind of went downhill from there.

I just really didn't know how to deal with high school anymore. After Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide got cancelled, it's been hard. Pretty much everything made me want to kick a baby duck now a days. I blamed teenage angst.

I flipped my hood up over my wet hair, and stuffed a granola bar in my mouth as I passed through the kitchen, slinging my messenger bag over my shoulder. The cold air hit me the second I stepped out the door, and I mentally added 'Canadian weather'  to the list of things that made me angry. I mean, what's the point of living here if I can't ride a polar bear to school, or live in an igloo? It was a total rip off.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets as I started down the gravel path that took me right by Dallas' house. I paused by his fence, and spotted him squatting down on the wet lawn right under the apple tree. He was wearing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pyjama pants that were a bit too long and had been rolled up so they rested on the edge of his ancient black high tops, and a tour shirt from some concert that had probably taken place before he was born. A stick was clutched tightly in his hand, and I watched in mild amusement as he poked at a small furry lump on the ground. 

"Dallas!" I called, and he yelped, falling backwards onto the wet grass. "You're going to be late."

" I dont think you quite understand how badly I dont want to go. I will honestly pay you to hit me with your car." he groaned, yet still hoisted himself over the fence so that he was standing beside me. He took a few uncertain steps forward, before checking to see if I was following, which I was.

We reached the intersection where I'd promised to meet Lacey and Quinn a few minutes later, and I could almost hear the hairs on Dal's neck bristle at the sight of her.

"You invite Lacey?" he asked in horror, as if it was almost as bad as killing his entire family.

"Oh gross. It's you." she sneered, and Quinn and I sighed in unison. For some unknown reason, Dallas and Lacey had never liked each other. Of course, we all had our theories, everything from a secret passionate love being disguised as hate, to feuds from their past lives. It got more and more complex and ridiculous the more we added onto it, but it was the only reasonable explanation.

"Hey, here's a dandy idea. How about you guys shut up before I have to pin you down and sew your mouths shut myself." Quinn snapped, not bothering to make sure we were following before heading off down the street towards the school.

"Gruesome. I approve." I said, jogging after him.

Due to the fact that both Lacey and Dallas were within a mile of each other, there wasn't exactly a lot of conversation during the walk there. The second we walked into the school though, the complaints began. 

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