The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 52)

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“Hey, Grant. Can I talk to you for a sec?” I asked nervously, poking my head into the kitchen where I could see him slumped over the table, his mouth stretched open in a yawn. He started to respond, but was promptly cut off by another voice.

“Morning, Hartley.” his grandma greeted me, and I jumped, having not seen her there when I had first walked in. She hummed quietly to herself as she buzzed around the kitchen, preparing Grant's breakfast for him.

“Here you go.” she sang, setting a plate down in front of him, and then, as a last minute thought, she set down a carton of homogenized milk beside it and said, “Here's some homo for my homo,” before ruffling his hair and heading out into the living room to help set out all the presents.

“Oh my god, grandma.” he said under his breath, a blush crawling up his neck. I ignored it and flopped down into the seat across from him, second guessing whether or not it was a good idea to tell him about Seth and I. I mean, I had to tell someone, keeping it a secret was driving me insane.

“Okay, if I tell you something, do you promise not to tell anyone?”

“'Course I wouldnt tell anyone. You kept my secret until I was ready to tell it, I'll do the same for you.”

I squirmed a bit at that, because I actually had zero intention to ever tell anyone my secret. I wasnt quite as brave as Grant was.

“Alright, well, uh. Last night your brother and I kissed.”

Grant sat up a bit straighter at the mention of that, and grinned. “About time, it only took him like, 10 years to work up the courage to do that.”

“Wait, Seth's liked me for ten years?” I asked in disbelief, and Grant nearly spit out his milk.

Seth? You kissed Seth?” he said in a loud whisper, leaning across the table so that no one in the living room would hear us. “I meant Tristan. What the hell happened to Tristan?”

“I like Tristan, I really do. I just... Im a bit of a ho-bag.”

“Christ, you dont say,” Grant muttered, stabbing at his eggs. I frowned and leaned back in my chair. This was not the reaction I was hoping for at all.

“Listen, Grant. I didnt come here to be judged. I just thought you of all people would understand what its like to be in a tough situation.” I spat, standing up angrily, my chair wobbling as I pushed it back. “I wont make that mistake again.”

I didnt look over my shoulder as I walked out of the kitchen, and ignored the looks everyone gave me as I shouldered past them down the stairs and out the front door. I didnt stop until I was in the back yard, where I immediately dropped into a ball on the ground behind the shed where no one could see me, and let the tears come.

Halden and I were over. I had not only kissed Tristan's brother, but I also found myself getting butterflies at the thought of him. It was all so unfair to Tristan, but even more unfair to me. Not only did i have to deal with the aching feeling I got in my gut when I thought of Halden, but I also had to deal with the overwhelming guilt that I felt whenever I saw Tristan, and the nervous butterflies I got around Seth. It was all so unfair.

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