The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 54)

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“I swear my stomach just sang the first four notes to the Lion King theme song. Be back in a sec.” Dallas muttered, sliding off the couch and knocking his textbooks all over the place before he sauntered off into the kitchen.

“Bring me back Cheetos,” Sammy called after him, and I heard Dallas grunt in a way that probably translated to 'sure thing'. A few minutes later he returned, tossing the bag at Sammy and then flopping back onto the couch to eat the chicken nuggets he'd just prepared.

“Do you have any idea what they do to those chickens before they make them into chicken nuggets?” Sammy asked, staring at Dallas in disgust as he crammed two nuggets into his mouth at once.

“Nope, and I don't care. If animals didn’t want to get eaten, then they wouldn't be made out of food.”

Sammy just stared at him, but let it drop.

Since Dallas and I were both suspended and Sammy had a spare block, we'd all decided to study together, if you could even really call it that. Sammy was sprawled out across the living room carpet, a yearbook spread out in front of him, while some low budget horror movie played on the TV behind him. I swear, a horror movie could take place at a cellphone tower and even then, the characters still wouldn't get service. Dallas, on the other hand, was actually doing his work for what was probably the first time in his entire life. He pulled his math textbook back onto his lap, and immediately sighed.

“My math teacher literally gave us 50 problems for homework. Guess how many I've done so far? Come on, keep guessing.” When neither of us said anything, he made a circle with his thumb and index finger and sighed. “Absolutely zero.”

“Yeah, you think that's bad? I have a report on AIDS due Monday. Do you know how hard it is to say “unprotected receptive anal sex” with a straight face?”

“Uh, excuse me,” Dallas shot back, “I have to write a 500 word essay analyzing the intricacies of “Drop It Like It's Hot,”

“Guys, shut up,” I hollered, and they both went silent, “If Dal's mom comes home before we get a chance to study, I'm going to flush both of you down the toilet.”

Dallas's adoptive parents were mega pissed that he'd run off once he'd found out the family secret, and so Dallas had been living at home while his parents were at work, and then spending the nights at various friends houses. He was technically grounded, but when Dallas had made the point that his 'mom' couldn't exactly ground him from hanging out with the friends he didn't have and attending the social events he wasn't invited too, that shut her up. He planned on moving out within the month, but considering he was unemployed, that was unlikely.

“Its the 21st century, why don't we have the technology to prevent Cheeto powder from caking on your fingers yet?” Sammy grumbled to himself, rubbing his fingers on the carpet before flipping the page in the yearbook. Then, after a while, he looked up and said, “Do you ever realize that the most popular people in high school are usually the stupidest?”

“There's probably some kind of scientific reason behind that. But I mean, I'm super popular and I'm still a smart dude.” Dallas joked, throwing a Cheeto in the air and catching it in his mouth.

“Popular? Weren't you voted 'least likely to fight a group of 6th graders because you'd lose' last year?” Sammy questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Dallas just snorted and said, “I'm pretty sure Halden was stronger than a group of 6th graders, and I still managed to kick his ass, so obviously that vote isn't accurate anymore.”

I'd been trying to forget about everything to do with Halden, but looking at Dallas's black eye and my split lip made it hard to do. Id considered calling him to apologize for hitting him hard enough to need stitches, but Dallas had quickly talked me out of that. He had hurt me, and so I'd hurt him back, just in a different way.

“Speaking of yesterday,” Dallas started, flipping over on to his stomach to look at me, “I saw you kiss Seth in the parking lot and almost puked up a lung. What the hell is going on?”

“Yeah! I saw that too, you're lucky Tristan didn't or you both would be dead.” Sammy agreed, dragging a finger across his throat.

“We sort of have a thing.”

Honestly? Dammit Hartley, why Seth? How could you do that to Tristan? You have to tell him, you know that right?” Dallas exploded, the bag of Cheetos tumbling off his lap and spilling onto the carpet. Dallas hardly even seemed too notice, he was staring at me too intently.

“Yeah, I know. But its easy to talk about the right thing to do when it's not your life. I don't want to lose Tristan and Halden in the same week.”

“Get out your phone. You're calling Tristan right now, because I know you wont do it unless I force you.”

“Dallas, this isn't fair!” I snapped, but his stone cold gaze didn't waver.

“You have to do it eventually, get it over with.”

He was right, and I wanted to punch him for it. Probably would've, if he wasn't still recovering from yesterday. But I caved, and pulled out my phone, taking a deep breath before hitting his phone number

It rang three times, before cutting to his voice mail. I was so happy, I almost cried. Explaining this to him would be a lot easier if he couldn't respond while I was talking.

Hey this is Tristan, I'm probably busy doing something really cool right now, so leave a message at the beep,”

And so at the tone, I explained everything to him. It was probably one of the hardest thing I had ever had to do, and I had to leave the room so that Dallas and Sammy wouldn't see me cry.

I stood there staring at the phone as soon as I hung up, tears blurring my vision, when a soft hand landed on my shoulder. I spun around and hugged Sammy as hard as I could, not even caring about whether or not I cried in front of him. I buried my face in his hoodie and he hugged me, before pulling back.

“You're going to be okay, darlin'. Everything works itself out eventually.”

Man, I hoped he was right.


I don't even know what to say because its midnight and i start school tomorrow and I'm going to cry because i don't like people ugh this is not cool i hope you all have a good day doing whatever you're doing mwah goodnight

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