The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 28)

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As soon as Seth had told me that the next place we were headed to was bound to cheer me up, I should've known that it would've involved breaking the law in someway. I'm not talking about, like, holding up a bank or grand theft auto or anything, just some innocent trespassing on private property.

“We are going to get caught. We are going to go to jail. We are going to get caught. We a-” Sammy muttered nervously to himself as we approached the rickety old fence that had a massive“NO TRESPASSING, PRIVATE PROPERTY.” sign nailed to it.

“Sammy, man, shut up. We'll be fine, okay? Live a little.” Seth said, swinging his legs over the low fence and disappearing into the woods beyond it, hauling three backpacks, a sleeping bag, and a guitar along with him. Just as long as none of those bags contained explosives or firearms, he was most likely telling the truth. No one ever came out here, except for, oh, I don't know, angry coyotes.

Quinn raced after Seth, duffel bag in tow, leaving Dallas and I to convince Sammy that he wasn't going to get arrested, even though there was always the chance that we could get caught. Although I mean, it's not like we were going to be shooting up heroin and murdering people while we were here, we were just going to sit and talk. Still, he wasn't convinced.

“On the list of things that is not okay, this is really, really not okay.” he fretted, and I could tell that Dallas had had enough.

“Over you go then,” he said, and I assisted him as we threw Sammy over the fence, where he landed on the dirt with a faint thump. We started walking into the woods, leaving him no choice but to follow us, considering Dallas had the keys and it would've taken him a few hours of walking to get back home.

He muttered the entire way, and I managed to catch stuff like “jail”, and “convict” and, “lethal injection.” He was a sweetheart, but that boy was paranoid as hell.

“Hurry up!” Seth hollered from deep in the woods, and the three of us let out simultaneous sighs before breaking out into a run. As it turned out, I was really, really out of shape.

“I can't believe running is something people do on purpose.” I panted as we reached the clearing where Seth and Quinn were sprawled out on blankets, piles of food stacked beside them.

“'Bout time you guys got here. We're about to play truth or dare.”

And it was that exact moment that I should have turned and run back to the truck. But I didn't, because what's the worst thing that could happen? Oh, right.

“Hartley, I dare you to kiss Seth.” Dallas said, his smirk so wide that I thought his face would split in two. I actually kind of hoped it would, it would save me the trouble of doing it myself.

Seth and I exchanged a look, and I could see that he was really uncomfortable. It was surprising I guess, since there really weren't a lot of things that freaked Seth out. Kissing his younger brothers best friend, however, was apparently to much for even him. I felt the exact same way, believe me.

“Uhm yeah as totally fun as that sounds, Tristan would pretty much tear my limbs off one at a time.”

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