The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 41)

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I was grounded.

I'd figured I was going to be even before I got through the door, because my mom had been watching for me out the window. Apparently telling your mom you were sleeping over at Lacey's house and instead driving five hours with two guys was frowned upon. Who knew?

After the initial blowout, I had been forced to retreat to my room, where I soon discovered that I had three missed calls from Halden. Because as if getting in trouble from my mom wasn't bad enough, I was also about to get in trouble from my boyfriend as well. Super.

“Hartley,” he greeted me sullenly when I finally worked up enough courage to call him back.

“Hey, Halden. You, uh, you called?”

“Yeah, I was just slightly concerned as to why my girlfriend suddenly disappeared with another guy while she was supposed to be with me. From what I heard, you and him had quite the adventure.”

“Halden, you know it isn't like that. It's Tristan, and Quinn was there too. And it wasn't like he did it just to piss you off, my best friend was missing. I shouldn't have to explain myself to you.”

There was a frustrated sigh from his end, and I scowled. Halden was great and all, but sometimes he was just a little too much to deal with.

“I'm sorry, Hart,” he groaned, “I just really like you, and the thought of losing you makes me crazy. I know you don't see it, but you and Tristan have this weird bond, and it makes me so jealous, because I know that even though we have a bond, it'll never be like that. I'm sorry. I really am. Is there anyway I can make up for being a jerk about this? How about we go out for dinner?”

“Can't. Grounded.” I muttered, still slightly annoyed at how over protective he was being, but in a way it was sweet to know that there was actually someone out there who cared that much about me.

“Wow. Bummer. I guess I'll let you be, then. Seeya later.” And then he hung up, leaving me to the silence of my empty bedroom. Curling up in a ball on my bed, I sat for a long time, wondering about how everything could feel both so right and so wrong at the same time, until finally I drifted off.


I had managed to get a solid two hours of sleep before someone knocked on my window, not only scaring the bejeebus out of me, but also causing me to fall out of my bed. Cautiously, I made my way to the window and peered out, almost screaming when a pair of brown eyes blinked at me.

“Hartley? Let me in, its cold as Santa's tits out here.”

I clumsily undid the latches on my window and Halden pulled himself in, landing in a heap on the carpet. Luckily for me, I always looked super cute just after I woke up. And by cute, I mean homeless. My hair was sticking up in a million different directions, and I hurried to wipe off a dried saliva trail before he noticed.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“Coming to hang out with you, what does it look like?” he asked, shrugging out of his coat and throwing a bag on my bed. I tried to get a look at what was inside out of the corner of my eye, but only saw a flash of pink and something black.

“Hey there Miss Nosy, don't think I cant see you. But if it makes you feel better, by all means, look inside.”

I tore into the bag immediately, removing a box of doughnuts, a DVD titled Santa Clause Conquers the Martians, a blanket, and a bouquet of flowers.

“What is going on?” I asked, staring at him in confusion as he laid the blanket down in front of the TV, and placed the movie in the DVD player. He continued to ignore my question until he was done setting everything up, but by then I had basically figured out what it was on my own.

“We're having a picnic and watching what is believed to be one of the top 50 worst movies of all time. Oh and also I'm going to be spending the entire time trying to make it up to you, so brace yourself.”

And he stayed true to his word, too. We stayed quiet for the first half hour of the movie (which was even worse than we expected it to be), curled up on the blanket, until finally he sighed heavily and rested his chin on my shoulder.

“There's only a few more months left of school until I'm off to university, but you still have an entire year left in that hell hole. Whatre we gonna do?”

“Shh, you're ruining a good moment. I don't want to think about sad things,”

“Oh my god,” he said, completely ignoring the fact that I had spoken, “What if I pretend to be British for like the first 6 months at school, but only around my roommate and I wake him up every morning and ask him if he'd like a cup of tea and start saying “bloody hell” a lot but then we go on winter break and when I got back I'd switch back to normal and pretend he made the whole thing up until he loses his mind. That would be fun.”

“Halden, oh my god,” I laughed, burying my face in his neck. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me in, until our noses were nearly touching.

“Hartley, have I ever told you tha-”

“Hartley?” my mom called from the top of the stairs, and Halden shot up immediately, grabbing his jacket and heading towards the open window. He swung one leg over the frame and then stopped, his expression intense, making it clear that he was having an internal debate. And he literally could not have chosen a worse time, if the footsteps on the stairs were any indication.

In a flash, Halden jumped back down and pulled me into him, his mouth warmer and softer on mine than I ever could have imagined. The kiss lasted maybe three seconds tops, but in my mind it felt like an hour. A really, really pleasant hour.

“Love you.” he said with a shy smile before ducking out the window for good this time, disappearing into the night.


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