The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 9)

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Chapter 9

"Ooh ah kiss your little midget, ooh ah kiss your little midget." Tristan sang, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he drove.

"Tristan, that's not how the song goes." Dallas's older brother, Travis, said from the backseat where he was squished between Quinn and Lacey.

"Pretty sure it is,"

"I am like 500% sure that its not."

"Guys, shut up." I said, leaning forward and pressing the off button on the radio. By the Way by The Red Hot Chili Peppers immediately stopped, and Tristan glared at me.

"Turn it back on."




Tristan's hand shot forward, hitting the on button and cranking the volume in one swift movement, causing Anthony Kiedis' voice to come blaring out of the car's subwoofers.

"Holy crap, turn it down!"


Everyone but Tristan had their fingers in their ears now, and were watching him as he bounced up and down in the drivers seat, headbanging. I swear, that kid can rock out to anything. Even elevator music. Wait, scratch that. Especially elevator music. I'd seen him turn that 6" x 6" space into a damn rave.

We stopped at a red light, and I reached for the handle, ready to make a run for it. There was a click and I saw the little black plastic post in the door go down. He'd locked me in, dammit. Maybe if I unrolled the window fast enough, I could jump out before the light turned green.

"YOU CANT ESCAPE THE MOSH, HARTLEY." he screamed as if reading my thoughts, and I let out a groan. He was so impossible sometimes.

And embarrassing.

Super embarrassing.

I turned to see if the person beside us at the light was staring, and i sighed with relief when I saw it was Dallas beside us, with Grant in the passenger seat and the rest of the kids in the back.

When I'd gotten back from the mall, my mom had announced that we were all going to the pumpkin patch together, just like we did every October. Trips to the pumpkin patch were usually followed by going to the boardwalk to see the scarecrows that were always set up around this time of year, then we would always go to Lacey's and carve the pumpkins. Halloween was pretty much my favourite holiday, even better than Christmas.

"I see it! I SEEEEEEEE IT!" Tristan yelled, bouncing up and down excitedly, and I craned my neck to see what he was looking at.

In the distance, I saw the huge blow up pumpkin, and the roof of the haunted house that was located in the middle of a corn maze. Right next to that was the pumpkin patch, filled with round green and orange pumpkins.

Tristan floored it, and I was slammed back against the seat, my head snapping back and hitting the head rest. A few terrified wails came from the back seat, and Tristan slammed on the breaks as we lurched to a stop on the gravel in front of the pumpkin patch about 30 seconds later.

I stepped out of his death machine, my legs shaking with fright. Dallas was backing into a parking spot a few down from ours, and I made my way over to him, waiting until he was parked and walking towards me, before asking the question that could very well have been the difference between my life and death.

"Can I get a ride back with you instead?"

He pretended to look deep in thought.

"I dunno, the cars pretty full..."

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