The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 25)

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This chapter is also in Tristan's point of view, because I just really like Tristan.


"Wow, you pee on the floor and throw a dog across the room ONE TIME and you're forever known as that guy that peed on the floor and threw a dog." Seth muttered, bursting through our front door.

Hartley and I glanced up at him from where we were laying on the couch together, and he immediately shut up when he noticed her head on my chest. Sending me a smirk and a thumbs up, he casually wandered into the kitchen to give us our alone time. He might be a complete douchebag, but he knew how much she meant to me.

After our completely useless counselling session with Dallas, we'd come back to my place because there was literally nothing else to do in the entire town. Id always pictured my teenage years being a bit more exciting than sitting at home on a Friday night watching To Catch a Predator re-runs, but you take what you can get, I guess.

"Can I ask you something?" Hartley asked just as a man on TV got taken to the ground by a mob of cops, and I felt my heartbeat speed up to the point where it actually almost seemed dangerous to my health.

"I uh... Yes?"

"Dallas told me you missed a family dinner to wait with me. How come?" she asked, craning her neck to look up at me. I tried to ignore the fact that if I leaned forward a few centimetres, our lips would be touching. I was strictly her best friend, and best friends definitely were not supposed to be thinking like that.

"You were more important, obviously. I'd much rather spend time with you than listen to my Auntie Caroline get drunk and ramble on about horses."

"Oh." she said, and I couldn't tell if she was relieved or disappointed.


"Its just that the way Dallas said it, he made it seem like... I dunno. Like you liked me or something."

Dallas, that dumbass. He'd unintentionally forced me into the situation I'd been avoiding for years. I could either confess everything to her right now, or tell her that she was crazy and go back to just liking her from afar. Hiding my feelings seemed like the best idea, but did I really want to sit on the sidelines for a few more years watching her fall in and out of relationships, none of which were with me?

“Hartley...” I sighed, searching her eyes intently for any hint that she might feel the same way. I struggled to figure out how I was going to say what needed to be said, and finally managed to put some words together to form a sentence. Granted, it wasn't a very good sentence, nor was it romantic, but at least it sort of made sense.

“I...ah man, this is going to sound so cheesy,” I sighed, and I could tell that I was blushing big time.

“You know how much I love cheesy things. But can we carry on this conversation in a minute or two? Someones calling me.”

My heart dropped down into my stomach, and I forced what had to have been the most unconvincing fake smile ever.

“Of course.”

She sent me an apologetic smile as she climbed off my lap, and I saw her entire face light up when she looked the caller ID.

“Wow, I'm so glad you called, I miss you so much......Yeah..... I'm not doing much, why?.....Oh seriously?”

I clenched my teeth and stalked into the kitchen so that I wouldn't be forced to listen to their conversation. I was angry, but mostly at myself. How could I have been so stupid? She didn't like me. Of course not, I was me. I'm not the kind of guy that girls fall in love with. Maybe that phone call was a sign, and if so, I was thankful. It'd just prevented me from completely humiliating myself.

“You look upset.” my mom observed as I collapsed onto a dining room chair. I just grunted.

“Right, then. I'm making grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, how many do you w-”


“What about you?” she asked, and it was then that I realized Seth was in the room. He peered up at me from under the table, and I made a face at him.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Acting like I don't exist so you can make your move on Hartley.”

“Yeah, well...Don't worry about it. Its not happening.”

He frowned, and crawled out from his hiding spot, “Well, on the bright side, at least I can come out from under there. It was dark.”

The thing about Seth, was that he was almost 20, yet he was so terrified of the dark that if you stuck him in a room and turned off all the lights, there was a 100% chance he would die in the fetal position drowning in his own tears.

“Okay, can't wait. Seeya tonight!” Hartley said, wandering into the kitchen. She hung up the phone, and blushed.

“Guess who has a date tonight?”

“Wow this is impossible to figure out, give us a hint. We're dying to know.” Seth muttered, and I could see she was trying her hardest to ignore him.

“I'm going swimming with Halden and his family at 7 tonight. Can one of you guys drop me off at my place at 6ish?”

“Actually, how about Seth drops you off right now?” I said, annoyed.

She watched me as I stormed off to my room, and I could faintly hear Seth sigh behind me.

“Get your coat on, Hartley.”

There was a shuffling noise, and then a “What's making him so angry?” from Hartley.

After a long pause, Seth said, “Himself.”

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