The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 34)

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Before Hartley, I'd only really dated the kind of girls who walked into 1st period 20 minutes late with their sunglasses on, sipping on a Starbucks Frappucino with their keys making a lot of noise as they sat down. Hartley wasn't like that, and it made me nervous because I didn't know what to expect with her.

The fact that she was supposed to be coming over in a little less than half an hour made me especially nervous considering how badly things had gone the last time she'd had to interact with my family. Hopefully this time I wouldn't get my ass handed to me on a platter by a 14 year old again. That had just been embarrassing.

“Halden?” someone called softly from outside the basement door. I leaped off my mattress in an attempt to get pants on, slightly agitated that Hartley hadn't bothered to tell me she was going to be early. I fumbled with the doorknob for a second, but I guess Hartley had decided that I was taking too long because the next thing I knew, I'd been knocked on my ass by the force of the door hitting me square in the chest.

Only it wasn't Hartley.

“Hope I'm not interrupting anything.” she purred as she pushed past me into my room, her red heels making an obnoxious clicking noise against the cement floor the entire way.

“Uhm,” was all I could manage to get out, completely stunned by the sight of her. She collapsed onto the foot of my bed, a lit cigarette dangling carelessly from the corner of her lipsticked mouth as she smirked at me.

“What's wrong, babe? You look... distressed.”

“Brooklyn,” I said dryly, “What are you doing here?”

“You haven't texted me in weeks, Halden. I've been so lonely, and I imagine you have been too. I came to fix that.” she smiled, standing up and slowly crossing the room until she was close enough that I could make out every speck of colour in her dark, soul-sucking eyes.

“Brook, honestly I-” but I couldn't speak, because suddenly her fingers were hooked through my belt loops, pulling me towards her, and every inch of her mouth was covering mine. My automatic reaction was to twine my fingers through her massive tangle of brown curls, like I always had before, but things were different now. I was different now. Now I had Hartley, the polar opposite of Brooklyn, and I was actually happy. I doubted Hartley was the kind of girl who showed up at her ex boyfriends house and tried to seduce them, but then again, what did I know? We'd been dating for two days.

It took me exactly three minutes and 12 seconds until I worked up enough willpower to pull away. I know because I was watching the clock the entire time with this sick feeling of anxiety and dread in my stomach, knowing that Hartley could show up at any minute.

“Brooklyn,” I warned as she leaned in again, “Stop. I cant do this anymore. I like Hartley, okay? I really do.”

“So the rumors are true,” she muttered, leaning against my dresser as she took a long drag from her cigarette before blowing it back in my face. I had ridiculous asthma, and she knew it, so needless to say I was furious when she chuckled while I nearly hacked up a lung.

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