The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 45)

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“Is Christmas seriously in six days? Why am I not as excited as I should be?” Halden wondered from where he was stretched out across my bed, his t-shirt riding up a little to reveal the tanned skin beneath it. I was leaving for Tristan's grandma's bright and early tomorrow morning, and Halden had insisted on coming over and keeping me company while I packed. Considering it was the last time we would see each other for the next few weeks until school rolled around, it made sense.

“I know, eh? It doesn't feel like Christmas. It feels like that shitty part of January when finals are coming around and the slush snow has just arrived.” I replied, digging through my dresser in a futile attempt to find something dressy enough to wear to the Christmas dinner that Tristan had warned me about.

“Yeah... Listen, I really don't want you going to that guys grandma's place for Christmas. I don't trust him. Wouldn't you rather spend Christmas with your family?”

“No,” I said flatly, crossing my arms in defiance, “No, I wouldn't. I'm going to spend Christmas with my friends. And whats your problem, anyways? You're going on a cruise with a bazillion other people for Christmas and you don't see me getting all pissy about it.”

“I know, I know. I'm sorry. I'm just really gonna miss you, and I'm scared that you might miss me too and get lonely and then settle for Tristan.” Halden sighed, fiddling with the fraying edge of his hoodie sleeve.

“Okay firstly, I'm not going to cheat on you, but thanks for trusting me,” I muttered sarcastically, “And secondly, Tristan isn't the kind of guy you 'settle for'. He's the kind of guy you aim for.”

Maybe it was because I hadn't gotten much sleep last night and was a bit cranky, or maybe it was because something in me had changed since Tristan had told me he loved me yesterday, but either way, I wasn't about to stand here and let him bash Tristan.

“See? That's exactly what I mean. Its like you consider him more of a boyfriend than you do me.”

“Halden, I'm not going to fight with you, okay? This is the last day we have together for weeks, we should be making the most of it. I love you, okay? Tristan and I are just friends.”

“Alright,” he sighed, pulling his hoodie over his head and tossing it to me, “Here. I want you to have something to remind you of me while you're gone.”

I smiled, and put it beside my suitcase so I'd remember to put it on tomorrow morning. “Thank you. I'm going to miss you so much, ugh.”


“I'm gonna miss you too, hon... Listen, I have to go, I have plans for tonight. But I'll seeya in three weeks, yeah?”

“Definitely.” I smiled, and he leaned down to kiss me quickly before hoisting himself back out the window, the way he'd come in.

Sighing, I flopped down on to my bed, and stared at the ceiling for what felt like hours, analyzing every single problem in my life but coming up with no solutions. Everything was falling to pieces, too quickly for me to fix, and I had no idea what to do about it. At some point I must have drifted off, because about an hour later I was woken up by a thud outside my window. Thinking it was Halden coming back to see me again, I pushed the window open and nearly screamed when someone, who was most definitely not Halden, tumbled through it, landing face first in the carpet.

“Oh my god,” I whispered in shock, staring down at the person sprawled out in front of me, their belongings spilling out of their black backpack and on to my floor. He groaned and sat up, immediately grinning when he saw me.

"Long time no see."

Dallas was finally home, just in time for the holidays.

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