The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 16)

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“Ugh, why did I ever think it was a good idea to leave Dallas in charge of making our set list?” Quinn grumbled from the passenger seat of Tristan's car, where he was furiously flipping through sheet music and other random pieces of paper. Tonight was Shark Puncher's debut, and lets just say it was a good thing Dallas had been sent to pick up the others, because Quinn was raging in a way that was hard to take seriously when he was dressed as a garden gnome.

“I thought it was just a known fact that you never let him do anything important. It's almost as if his entire purpose for being born was to screw up any chance we have of being famous.” Lacey said, taking a sip from her blueberry mocha bubblegum Slurpee that she'd insisted on making us stop for. That little pit stop had put us exactly 5 minutes behind schedule, giving us absolutely no hope for ever finding a parking spot.

Tristan continued to drive up and down the aisles looking for an empty space, while Quinn kept on cursing Dallas and every single one of his ancestors for producing such a lazy human being. After making a frustrated noise that sounded similar to a goat with a javelin stuck in it's side, Quinn thrust a stack of papers at me and instructed me to pick out a cover for them to play, and that it had better be the perfect choice or else he was going to make Tristan crash the car. No pressure or anything.

“Okay, so what if we start out with My Grandfather Clock is Raging, and then we somehow transition into an acoustic song and finish off with a cover?” he asked Lacey, and she looked at him as if he were roadkill.

“Why would you play an acoustic song? So people can slow dance?”

“Yeah, basically, I guess.” he muttered, scratching down the set list onto the back of a 7/11 receipt, before looking up to see if she approved.

She didn't.

“Its a Halloween party, people don't slow dance at Halloween parties, you idiot.”

“Yeah well they do now, so how about you just shut up before I shut you up myself.”

“I'm just as much a part of this band as you are, and if I don't get to make any decisions, I'm telling Mom and Dad.”

“You fight like a 4 year old.”

Thankfully, Tristan found a parking spot before the bloodshed started. It was never fun to be caught up in the middle of a Carr sibling fight, because they had no problem hitting anyone who got in the way.

“Get out, asshats.” Tristan ordered, opening my door for me. I struggled to get my claws untangled from Lacey's costume, which had some how managed to wrap itself around me so tightly it had practically become handcuffs. 

We trudged up to the front gate where I could see Aubrey and Lacey chatting with another girl, who was decked out in a formfitting black dress, a lacy bra peeking out from the neckline. Her long blonde hair stuck out wildly, and I wondered if she had gone as a prostitute, or if she had just forgotten to dress up for the most anticipated event of the year. I shrugged it off and followed the group inside to the party, if you could even call it that. I think “drunken whore-fest.” would've been more appropriate, because that was exactly what was going on.

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