The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 59)

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“I DEMAND A REMATCH.” Dallas screamed to Lacey as he stumbled off the end of the moving walkway, his duffel bag tangling around his ankles, sending him to the floor. Lacey let out a triumphant hoot and sat on top of him, causing a series of muttered curses and disapproving glares from the other people on the walkway who were trying to navigate their way around the heap of laughing teenagers.

“C'mon guys, there'll be tons of time to mess around later. The day is young, and the hijinks are endless. But for now, you two need to get the hell off the floor before they call security, because I saw the security guard when we first walked in here, and believe me, he's not someone you want to mess with.” Quinn scolded, helping his sister to her feet and leaving Dallas to take care of himself. Quinn was the mother figure of our group, and honestly, I think we all would've been lost without him.

“Alright guys. I have your tickets. Everyone ready?” Tristan asked, stuffing the slips of paper into the pocket of his jeans. Everyone nodded, and I stooped down to pick up my suitcase, but Sammy had already beaten me to it.

“Don't worry, I've got it.” he smiled, tossing his own backpack over his shoulder before sauntering after the others. I stood there for a minute, just watching them walk towards the gate, and for the first time, the realization that I was going to be alone finally sank in.

Dallas, who'd been my best friend for longer than I could remember, was going to leave. He wouldn't be around to beat up anyone who talked badly about me, or to make fun of me when ever I said something stupid. Then there was Quinn and Lacey, who had always been my second family. We'd had so many stupid traditions, and now they were gone. No more egg nog chugs. No more pumpkin bowling. No more hide and seek in the dark. And Sammy, too. I'd never be able to forget that day in the hall when the quarterback had shoved him into me, and we'd both crashed to the floor and somehow become friends because of it. When he'd showed me his writing spot, the overgrown cemetery in the woods. When he'd held me while everything was falling apart, and told me that everything works out eventually. They would all be touring together, and when their band finally took off, they would forget about me. Because while everyone was getting away, I was stuck here.

“You coming, bud?” Tristan called, hanging back from the rest of the group to wait for me. I forced a smile and jogged towards him, his hand wrapping around mine as soon as I was within reach. It felt so natural to just hold his hand and walk through the airport, as if we did it all the time.

It was one of the worst feelings, ever, probably. Realizing your feelings for someone, just as you ran out of time. He was leaving, I was staying, and we had both wasted so much time. It was game over for us, and that realization hurt more than anything I'd gone through this entire year.


“I'm going to puke. I am going to projectile vomit all over this air plane.” Dallas informed me, clutching his armrests as if his life depended on it. The plane hadn't even taken off yet, and Dallas was already having a breakdown. That's how you could tell it was going to be a fun ride.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign. If you haven’t already done so, please stow your carry-on luggage underneath the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin. Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt. At this time, we request that all mobile phones, pagers, radios and remote controlled toys be turned off for the full duration of the flight, as these items might interfere with the navigational and communication equipment on this aircraft.” the flight attendant announced in a monotone, as if she'd done this thousands of times, which she probably had. She looked old enough to be my grandma, her eyeliner smudged across her eyelids and her bright red lipstick clinging to her teeth as if she had tried to do her make up while riding a unicycle down a highway.

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