The Devil Wears Girl Jeans (Chapter 21)

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"Unggggghhhh" I moaned into my locker, resting my forehead against the cold metal shelf. My head throbbed, and I could feel a sheen of cold sweat forming under my sweatshirt. I needed a shower, some Advil, and possibly seventeen shots of straight espresso in a cup.

I'd managed to make it to lunch, miraculously enough, considering I'd been resisting the urge to vomit all day, but I wasn't sure how much more of this I could take. The only explanation I had for it so far, was that I'd caught whatever Tristan had when I shared the eggnog with him.

"Uhm, Hart?" Dallas said from the other side of my locker door, "You alive in there?"

"Hardly." I moaned, turning my head just enough so that I could see him through the slats. He kept glancing nervously between me and the crowded hallway, which I assumed meant he was either waiting for, or avoiding someone.

"Who're you looking for?" I asked, and he jumped slightly, still staring down the hallway.

"Uhm, Nicola. She doesn't want me hanging out with you anymore and she'll be pissed if she sees me here."

I knew it was too good to be true. No matter how normal the girls Dallas had previously dated appeared to be, there was always something a bit crazy about them. In grade 7, there had been Becky, who ate the loose threads off of her shirts when no one was looking. In grade 9, he dated Jessica, who collected pieces of her dead skin. There were, of course, more girls, but those were the two that always made me cringe whenever they were mentioned.

"So she's crazy possessive? That's a new one."

"C'mon Hartley, she's not that bad. She just cares about me, and doesn't want to lose me."

I slammed my locker door shut, not wanting to waste energy arguing with him. His eyes widened as he took in my face, and I realized how horrible I must have looked.

"You look like death, want me to take you home?"

I nodded, and he took my backpack from me and swung it over his shoulder. Just as we reached the doors to the parking lot, someone screeched for Dallas to wait up.

"Go go go!" he whispered, pushing me through the doors and dragging me behind him as we ran towards his car. I could hear Nicola letting out a string of curses behind us, and I resisted the urge to flip her off over my shoulder.

Dallas literally shoved me into the car, climbing over my lap and into the drivers seat. I sent Nicola the smuggest smile I could muster up as he peeled out of the parking lot, and I caught a glimpse of her as she stormed back into the school.

I really don't know what he saw in her, but that could've been because deep down, no one was good enough for Dallas in my eyes.

"Is your mom home?" Dallas asked, tapping his fingers to the beat of some song on the radio that had way too much auto tune, and I shook my head

"I don't have my house key either, so..."

He shot me an annoyed look as he pulled out into the intersection, but I was too caught up in a coughing fit to apologize. Besides, I'd never apologized to Dallas for anything in my entire life, I wasn't about to break that streak.

"Travis has my set of house keys, so you can't go to my place either. Looks like Tristan's about to get company."

I caught a glimpse of myself in the rear view mirror and groaned. Dark black bags hung under my eyes like heavy clouds, and I was so pale I was almost grey. Tristan would no doubt be making fun of me relentlessly.

Unless, of course, he looked worse. Which, as it turned out, he did.

"Hey." he muttered in that cute sleepy voice that guys do when they've just woken up. Dallas honked twice as he backed down their driveway, and Tristan led me into the living room, no questions asked.

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