Chapter Fourteen

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    Daria could never really become accustomed to taking a sick day because of her emotions. She never really let herself become so emotionally drained before either, but she also hadn't been under so much stress and other emotions before. She took Sam's advice, but instead of just one day, she had proceeded to take the rest of the week off of work, telling her manager that Nymphadora was sick. Well, the little girl was sick, but she wasn't too sick. She just had an upper respiratory infection, but it was still a bit to deal with.

     Both Sue and Sam hadn't heard anything from the Toretto, but neither had the same ideas running through their head as the other. Sue wondered if something was wrong with Nymphadora or Daria, but she didn't want to bother the girl if she wanted to be alone. Sam believed that the young mother wanted to stay away from him. Honestly, Sam wondered if giving her his phone number was too forward, but he had to do something to make their potential relationship get somewhere.

      Sam had visited the diner each day, but he didn't see the Toretto. Since he hadn't seen her, he went to Sue's to try and see if she had been around. When the elder woman denied seeing the girls, and took the news of Daria not being at the diner kind of worriedly, Sam knew something wasn't right.

     Daria was trying to avoid everyone and everything around her for now, the only person she was even interacting with was her daughter. Nymphadora was quite clingy, but it was all due to her sickness. Since the young girl seemed to sound as though she had a hard time breathing, Daria often stayed awake to late hours in the night to make sure the baby slept soundly. Anyone could tell Daria was not getting enough sleep, but she wasn't going to chance something happening to her daughter just because she wanted a few hours of sleep.

      Nymphadora woke up crying, which caused Daria to sigh. She picked up the baby and held her to her chest, soothing the baby with light rubbing on her small back. Almost as soon as she got the baby to calm down, she heard a light knock on her front door. With furrowed eyebrows, Daria walked over to the door and slightly opened it. Sighing silently, Daria opened her door fully and stared at Sam.

"I wasn't expecting you." Daria commented, as she lightly bounced her daughter.

"I know, but none of us had heard from you in a few days, so we wanted to do a check-in. Sue was worried, after she realized you hadn't been to work in a few days either." Sam stated, causing the girl to frown.

"I'm sorry, I've been taking care of Dora. She has an upper respiratory infection, and she's been having a hard time." Daria said, making Sam's eyes fill with worry.

"Is she alright? Do either of you need anything? Food? Medicine?" He asked, while he seemed to study both girls, as if he was trying to see anything else wrong with them.

"Actually, if you don't mind, I haven't been able to go to the store since Dora became sick, and I don't have much food here," Daria commented, as she allowed the older man into her house," I'll make you a list and give you some money--" She added, but Sam quickly declined.

"Just write out a list, don't worry about any money. I've got it covered." He said, not allowing Daria to argue.

"I really appreciate it, Sam." She replied, as she sent him a tired smile.

"How are you? You look like you haven't gotten any sleep in days." He commented, causing her to sigh.

"I haven't really gotten much sleep, but I can't sleep when I know Dora is sick," She stated, and then handed the list to Sam,"Here's the list. Are you sure you don't need any money, my purse is in my room. I can--" She began, before he cut her off.

"I've already told you, Darling, I've got this covered," He said, as he pocketed the list,"When I get back, I'll watch Nymphadora and you're going to rest. I'll have Sue bring some dinner by," He added, and shook his head when he seen her try to argue,"Don't bother arguing, Darling. You need rest, and Sue will feel more than happy to bring dinner. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't decide to bring Harry and Seth here with her to make dinner."

       Sam left the house, not giving Daria any time to argue with him. Daria didn't know how to feel about Sam practically forcing help on her, but she couldn't deny that she was actually grateful. She didn't know if she'd be able to sleep when Sam got back, but she'd at least try, even if that meant she had to fake sleeping for at least an hour. She wouldn't need too much sleep, at least, she hoped she didn't.

      Daria also didn't know how to feel with Sue making their dinner for the night. She loved Sue, but she felt as though she was taking advantage of the woman's kindness. She knew Sue was too kind for her own good, which reminded her of her aunt Mia. Mia was one of the nicest people  Daria knew, but Sue sure had her questioning who was nicer.

"Can you believe this, Dora? I'm turning into a chick-flick because of these people. What happened to your Mommy?" Daria cooed, as she looked down at her daughter.

     The baby stared up at her with tired eyes. Daria could tell the baby was exhausted, but also had trouble sleeping, same as her mother did for the past few days. The baby wanted to feel better, but the medicine was working ever so slowly. Daria wished the medicine worked faster, but she knew it would take some time for her baby to get better, she just hoped it was sooner rather than later...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry for taking so long to update, but I hadn't really had much inspiration recently. I finally had some inspiration to write this chapter though, so I hope it was good.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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