Chapter Four

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      Daria was scared to tell Justin, not because she believed Justin would hate her or call her a liar, more along the lines that someone would tell her family. She knew they would be disappointed in her, so she needed it to be a secret. This would be the biggest secret that she had ever kept from her family. She hadn't even kept her first kiss a secret, but this secret was way too over the top for them to know.

"You have the tests, right?" Summer asked, as she stood next to Daria by Daria's car.

"Yeah, all four of them." She answered, absentmindedly playing with the end of her shirt nervously.

"You're wearing a rip into your shirt, Darling." Summer said, causing Daria to look down at the base of her shirt and groaned.

"This is the second shirt I ripped today." Daria commented, as she slipped off the shirt and pulled on the spare one she had in her backseat.

"Good thing you always wear a tank top under your shirts, huh, Darling?" Summer added, as she shielded everyone from seeing Daria change.

      Even though Daria wasn't showing off her body, Summer knew she didn't want everyone to look at her. Once she was changed, Daria and Summer made their way into the school, Summer holding her head high, but Daria not so much. They made their way to their first class of the day, Summer having History and Daria having English.

      All throughout class, it seemed as though everyone knew Daria was hiding something, or at least she felt like they did, since she believed all of their eyes kept stopping on her during the entire class period. She figured she was wrong though, and just being paranoid, though she wasn't completely sure. She was almost scared believing Summer may have slipped up and told someone Daria's secret.

      By the time class was over, Daria was a huge ball of nerves. She basically ran out of the classroom, going to find Justin as soon as possible. When she spotted him with his friend Matt, she ran over and stood by them. Matt knew her well; he knew her since kindergarten, Justin not so much.

"Hey, Darling. What's up?" Matt asked, as he smiled at the girl he had known basically his whole life.

"Hey, Matt. I need to steal Justin for a minute, is that alright?" She asked, and Matt shrugged.

"Sure, I guess it's cool," He answered, giving her a curious gaze,"Oh, Darling, we should catch up some time; haven't talked to you in ages." He added, and she nodded.

"Of course, we can definitely do that. Maybe at lunch, if you and I aren't busy." She replied, and he smiled.

      He walked away, and Daria immediately turned to Justin. Just by the look on Justin's face, she knew he didn't want to be around her. He didn't think she was ugly or anything, on the contrary, he believed she was one of the hottest girls in school, he just didn't want anyone thinking he had a girlfriend and was tied down.

"What do you need, Darling?" He asked, using the nickname everyone used.

        Nobody used the name Daria. Hell, Daria introduced herself as Darling, some people didn't even know her real name. Even teachers called her Darling, so she was use to everyone saying the name.

"You remember the party a few weeks ago?" She asked, causing him to smirk.

"Yes, why? I mean, if you want more, all you have to do is ask." He commented, as she glared daggers at him.

"No, it's not even remotely close to that," She retorted, closing her eyes for a minute and sighing,"Justin, I'm pregnant." She said, as his eyes widened.

"You've had to have been with someone else. The baby's not mine." He replied, a nervous chuckle leaving his lips.

"Oh, how I wish that was true. Sadly, we are both wrong and it is your baby." She answered, showing him the tests to prove she was really pregnant.

"Damn it!" He exclaimed quietly, before shaking his head,"Look, Darling, I'm sorry, but I'm not ready to be a Dad. I don't have it in me. I have too much ahead of me right now, to have everything taken away because of a baby." He said, as she frowned.

"And you think I didn't? I was going to help my Dad in his garage with my uncles. I wanted to street race like them, but now I can't." She retorted, Justin becoming pale when he realized who her father was.

"Does he know?" Justin asked, his voice full of emotion.

"No, and I don't plan on telling him either." She replied, as Justin looked at her bewildered.

"How in the hell are you going to manage that? You'll be living in the same house as them, and you're just going to grow." He commented, and she sighed.

"I'm going to make one of the worst decisions of my life." She said, as his eyes widened.

"What does that mean?" He asked, watching as she turned away from him.

"I'm not losing my baby." She replied, as she walked away from him.

         His hands automatically tangled themselves in his hair, as he stared at the girl walking away from him. He knew if anything happened to her, her father would kill him. Her father would kill him for getting her pregnant. He knew what she planned to do that, which scared him even more. He had to stay away, otherwise things would just become messy.

       Daria knew what she had to do, even if she hated what she was going to choose. Her life had never been so complicated, not even when Dom was incarcerated. Even then things were easier, but today wasn't. Today she had to make it count, because tomorrow was going to be hard. Tomorrow was going to be the day her world turned upside down. Tomorrow was going to be the day she chose her baby...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I don't know about you guys, but every time I used the name Justin in this book, I just pictured Justin Foley from 13 Reasons Why. Matt, in this book, is played by Zac Efron. He'll show up again later in the book. No, he will not have any interest in Daria.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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