Chapter Fifteen

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About an hour later, Sam arrived with the groceries, as well as many different medications he believed might be helpful for Daria and Nymphadora. He wanted to be as helpful as possible, even though he didn't know much about children.

"Alright, Darling, you go lay down and I'll take care of Nymphadora." Sam stated, causing Daria to bite her lip.

"Fine, but if you need anything, wake me up." Daria replied, but all Sam did was shake his head.

"I won't need to wake you up. Sue will be here soon, and she'll be able to help if I need it." Sam said, as Daria simply sighed and walked towards her room.

Daria decided to take a nice, hot shower before laying down. She wanted to be as comfortable as possible, even though she knew it would hard for her to sleep, knowing she didn't have Nymphadora with her. She trusted Sam and Sue with Nymphadora, but she couldn't help but feel nervous, especially when Nymphadora was sick.

Sam had never really taken care of a child on his own before, but he needed to get use to it, especially since Daria was his imprint and Nymphadora was her daughter. He needed to learn how to care for her, if he was ever going to have a chance with Daria. He was really beginning  to care for both of them, and he really wanted to show them just how much he really cared.

While Daria slept, Sam put away all of the groceries and made sure to check everything in the fridge to see if anything was expired. By the time he had put away all of the groceries and checked for expired food, he heard a knock on the door. He checked on Nymphadora, who was sleeping in her crib, before he walked to the door and opened it.

"Sam! Where's Nymphadora and Darling?" Sue asked, as the man allowed her inside.

"Nymphadora is going to wake up soon, and Darling is asleep. She really needs to sleep for a couple hours at least. She looked exhausted when I came by earlier."  Sam commented, causing Sue to frown.

"Well, I'll make dinner for tonight. Harry will be bringing Seth and maybe Leah eith him later to eat with us. I'll get some cleaning done while I'm here, so she doesn't have anything to worry about." Sue said, and Sam nodded in appreciation.

By the time Sue started cleaning, Nymphadora woke up and began to fuss. Sam went into the room and grabbed her, before bringing her into the living room.

"I'll change her diaper in a minute, just let me finish fixing her bottle." Sue said, as she peeked her head out of the kitchen.

"I'll change her, let me find the diapers and wipes," Sam replied, then looked down at Nymphadora,"got to get practice on this anyway, don't I?" He murmured, as the baby simply stared at him.

As Sam laid her down on the couch and set up everything he needed, Sue walked into the living room and handed Nymphadora a bottle of juice. She watched Sam try to change Nymphadora, and after a bit of difficulty, he was actually able to get her clean and changed. He had never changed a baby before, but it wasn't as hard as he had originally thought it was. Well, at least it didn't seem to be since it wasn't a poopy diaper. His heightened senses may have a bit of trouble with a smelly diaper.

"Sam, I know you and Leah weren't going to work out, but you're not just caring for Nymphadora to get Darling's attention, right? You're going to actually try to get the girl's attention without using her daughter, right?" Sue commented, and Sam nodded.

"I'm not using Nymphadora to get to Darling. I actually care for both of them. I'm helping Darling because I know she needs it, not because I want her to like me. Yeah, I want her to like me and see that I am a nice person, but I'm not going to suck up to her to get her to become attracted to me." Sam said, and Sue held her hands up in mock surrender.

"I wasn't saying you were, I was just asking. Besides, I really like Darling and Nymphadora, and I only want what's best for them. Sam, you may just be that person." Sue replied, before she walked back into the kitchen.

Sue began to clean the counters, floors, and appliances. She knew Daria was a very clean person, but she also knew the poor girl was rather restless lately, especially with a sick baby. Sue wished to help in any ways he could even if it was just by cooking and cleaning. She was almost sure that Sam was perfectly capable of taking care of Nymphadora, but she needed to be around just in case Sam needed help.

"Do you think Darling would like casserole for dinner?" Sue asked, as she peeked her head out of the kitchen.

"Yes, but I don't know when she'll be awake." Sam replied, as Sue simply shrugged.

"Doesn't matter to me, she'll eat when she wakes up." Sue commented, and Sam nodded.

"Hopefully that'll be when everyone is here and ready to eat." Sam answered, as he picked up Nymphadora once more.

Sam wanted Daria to eat with everyone else, but he didn't want to wake her up. If she wasn't up by dinner, he'd let her sleep until she woke up on her own. Even if that meant he had to stay for hours, he'd be willing to do so, just so Daria could have some rest. He knew how hard she worked at the diner and with Nymphadora, so he knew she was really exhausted.

"I'm starting dinner now. It'll be at least an hour before Harry and Seth arrive." Sue commented, as she began to gather her ingredients and supplies she needed.

Sam didn't know if he hoped Leah would be there or not. He just didn't want any bad blood between the duo...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry for making you wait so long, but I was finally able to write a chapter.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx 

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