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It frustrated me. How could someone be that obsessed with aliens? What was so special about them? How did someone believe in that shit? It were only some fantasies. There was no proof, just conspiracy theories. They were right but who cared?

We tried everything to make our presence here be as unnoticeable as possible. Mostly it worked but some people would just continue believing in something that was scientifically not proven or at least not openly proven. 

And why did one of them has to be my best friend? And why did he need to be the one which had the most convincing and accurate proofs? 

He was naturally talented in finding out whether something was accurate or just some made-up story. He also had a lot of theories, most of them being correct. It freaked me out. Why did I need to be friends with him? Him out of all? 

I probably could drop him but I wanted to keep him in my life. More, I needed to. He was not just my best friend but also my Crush for several years now. And I? I was just an 'alien' how they called us. We were not really different from them. We were smarter, fitter, less selfish and more accepting. But all in all, we were the same. We live on a planet, similar to this one. We had a great life there but my family decided to discover the galaxy. And that's how we found the earth. I can barely remember the life on Naothea because I was really small when we moved here but I knew that we had several friends. There was one family we were really close to. They wanted to come with us but they had a son my age. they wanted him to grow up before they wanted to follow us. I've never seen them again. 

From time to time, we saw some of our other neighbours come here as well but most of them stayed at Naothea. 

My Alien best friend, IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now