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The last days were exhausting. I went to the landing site from time to time to check if Oikaw was there and he sometimes was so I guided him home. He didn't sleep well because he had nightmares. He said it was because of some horror movie but I didn't really believe him. He continued clinging on me and I somehow liked it. I wanted him to be this close forever. But it would be weird and his well-being was more important. So I tried my best to calm him down. We could calm down ourselves or people near us. Nobody knew how it worked but everyone on Naothea could do it.

However, on earth, we didn't do it that often. It made our eyes shine golden and if someone else would see it, they would immediately know. Yet, I wanted to help Oikawa. He was sleeping anyway so he wouldn't realize, right? 

Just as I was about to being, he opened his eyes. I immediately stopped and pretended to sleep. I desperately hoped he didn't see it or just assumed it was only his imagination. 

When I got back the next day, I almost gasped. It was Hiro or Hanamaki how his given name was. His family was the one our family was the closest to. They were all standing in our kitchen. "Hiro?", I asked, running towards them. "Hajime", he responded, engulfing me into a hug. We were really close friends back then and I really missed him. "How's it going?", he asked me after we let go. "Good. I have a great life. I'll tell you later", I responded. "He'll change to your class so you better tell him about Oikawa", my mother said. "Of course", I replied. "Let's go", I added towards Makki. 

When we arrived in my room, we sat down on my carpet. "So who's that Oikawa guy? Was he the person you were with yesterday?", Makki asked. "Yeah, I was. I'll tell you some things about him because you'll need it. Don't ask, I'll tell you later. Oikawa is really nice. He is smart and has a sharp mind. Pretty observed. He has brown hair and wears glasses. He is really pretty, a bit smaller than you. And now the most important thing, he is obsessed with Aliens, he-", I said as I got interrupted by Makki, "as in he is obsessed with us?". "Yeah, he wants to prove that Aliens are real and talks a lot about them. I try to convince him to forget about it but he saw our ship when we arrived and since then he wants to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life", I explained. "So you want me to be careful with what I say around him?", Makki asked. "Exactly. You should be careful everywhere but especially around him. He is really intelligent and can combine things easily. Almost all of his theories are accurate and I honestly don't know what to do", I responded. "Can't you tell him? I'm sure he would understand and not tell anyone if you ask him to", Makki argued. "True but my parents told me not to. They know better. We need to stay undiscovered", I replied. "Can't they make an exception for your boyfriend?", Makki asked, making me flustered. "He is not my boyfriend", I said. "Sorry for assuming. It was just the way that you talk about him, giving away your feelings", he teased. "Shut up", I exclaimed. "Nah. But I won't tell him, yet", he replied. "You better never", I threatened. He knew that I was stronger than him. "Whatever you say", he said. I just responded with a tsk. 

For the rest of the day, we talked some more until they needed to go. I was glad that I had the chance to finally see my old friend again. We would see each other every day just like when we were 5. He really was a great friend. 

My Alien best friend, IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now