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After I convinced Oikawa to go home, he really wanted to stay there until night, I went to the living room and told my parents that we had something to talk about. 

"Oikawa?", my mother asked. "Oikawa!", I confirmed. "So what happened this time? Did he find out something himself or is this just another theory?", my dad asked. "He found out something and I finally got to know why he is so obsessed with aliens", I replied. "Please start", my mother said and I started, "He found the landing site", I said. My mother sighed, "How?". "He told me that he saw some ufo-shaped things there. He can see it from his window", I responded. "We can't change that now but could you please try to talk him out of that and maybe convince him that it's some illusion of him or I honestly don't know. Just please try to keep him away from this place", my dad said. He knew that I tried my best but we all knew that this didn't work for Oikawa. Once when he was over, he started talking about aliens and his theories. My parents were really surprised and, of course, tried to convince him otherwise. Many people probably would've let themselves convince that their opinion is wrong when everybody tells you it is but not Oikawa. He still argued further and instead of dropping the topic or accepting that he couldn't convince us, he tried to prove all of us wrong. 

The very same evening, my parents told me to always tell them what Oikawa told me and so I did. They managed to tell some of our friends from Naothea about the things Oikawa found out and not to do anything suspicious in front of him. Yet, he found out more and more every day. 

"And it was our arrival that made him so obsessed with aliens. He saw our ship", I added. There was some silence before my mother asked, "But he doesn't suspect us to be them, right?". "As far as I know he doesn't. But I don't know if he just didn't tell me because he wants to find out if we really are aliens", I answered. My parents just sighed and with that, the conversation ended. 

My Alien best friend, IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now