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After Makki and I talked, I went to Mattsun's. I needed to talk to him. He once mentioned that he and Oikawa talked about something which had something to do with my feelings. 

"Hey Mattsun", I approached him. "Hey, Iwa. You're here to talk about Oikawa, right?", he answered with a concerned look on his face. "I messed up, didn't I?", I asked. "Seems like it but I'll tell you later", he replied. 

After we had some small talk, we finally came to the conversation. "So what did you want to tell me?", I asked. "So first of all, he knew about your feelings before your fight. He told me he didn't mind living with your feelings but he sadly can't return them", Mattsun responded. I was glad that Oikawa didn't mind. Still, the thought that the love of my life couldn't return my feelings hurt. It hurt that bad that I cried. Mattsun comforted me but it didn't change the fact that Oikawa didn't like me. He wasn't the person to lie. 

As if Mattsun read my thoughts, he added, "And he called me yesterday. He ranted to me about how you used his trust and lied to him. He didn't tell me what exactly happened but it sounded as if you had proof that aliens existed and didn't tell him. He compared whatever you lied about to you being an Alien and never telling him". Mattsun didn't know that the last part was just the pure truth but I wouldn't tell him that. I wanted us to stay secret after all. I knew that Oikawa could keep a secret. "If he pulled out one of his alien compares I really messed up", I stated as a response. "Yeah, but he said he would forgive you", Mattsun replied, making me smile. "He did", I asked. "Yes. He said that he would forgive his iwa-chan everything although he would need some time and he wanted to ask you things regarding this thing", Mattsun said, making me smile brightly. Oikawa would forgive me and we could stay friends even though he knew about my feelings. We, of course, had to talk about all of that with my parents but that was fine. I always knew that this would happen one day so I didn't really care.

My Alien best friend, IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now