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By now, everybody close to Oikawa and me knew about our 'relationship'. He said that he didn't care and I didn't either. It was nothing I needed to hide anyway. Besides, I liked the thought of Oikawa not being free to have. If people knew that he was seeing someone they probably won't hit on him or at least less and the chances of him falling in love with one of them would be lower. I knew it was selfish and he deserved to fall in love. Yet, I didn't want him to. 

I wanted him to spend as much of his time with me as possible, go on cute dates with me, be there for me, kiss me and, of course, love me. I knew that everything besides the last point were things he already did and I was happy that it was that way. Yet, I hoped for more. A guy can hope, right? 

Today he decided to go to the new Godzilla film with me. He told me that I would have to pay for him because I chose the film and I accepted it. I actually wanted to do this though I wouldn't tell him that. 

When we went in and were about to order our Popcorn, there were some people looking at us with disgusted looks on their faces and I could have sworn that I heard the f-word and some other offensive things about being gay. 

I didn't hesitate and pulled Oikawa into a kiss. He wouldn't care, probably. After we let go, I told him the reason behind it and he just buried his face in my chest. I really liked this. 

When it was the turn to order our Popcorn, I could hear the people who made those comments earlier still talking shit about us so when I ordered our Popcorn, I made sure that they would hear me. "We will have one big bag of Popcorn. As sweet as my boyfriend, please", I stated and Oikawa blushed even more if that was even possible. The Cashier smiled brightly and handed us a bag with sweet Popcorn. They were really nice. 

"Why did you say that?", Oikawa asked. I thought for a second. Why did I say that he was my boyfriend? Sure the thing with those homophobes was one reason but I think I mostly did it because I like the idea of him being my boyfriend. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just, I don't have a good reason why I said that. I'm sorry", I apologized. He looked up for the first time since I kissed him and replied, "It's fine Iwa-chan. I don't care what you call me as lig as you know that I-". He shortly paused before continuing, "You are honest with yourself". 

It hurt. It hurt more than I expected. I knew that he couldn't have formulated it better and that he was right. Yet, I still hoped that he would love me back one day, romantically. 

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