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"Iwaizumi. We need to talk", Oikawa opened the conversation after he barged into my room. I quickly locked my phone. I didn't want him to know that I was staring at our chat and pictures of him, he once sent me. 

What made me scared was that he use my given name instead of this weird nick-name. He only used it if something was up. "What is it Shittykawa", I responded, trying to get the conversation back to normal. But instead of a 'mean', he just sat directly in front of me. I started blushing through the closeness. 

"I know your secret", he said, making me tense up. He knew? He couldn't, right? I didn't want him to know. But which secret was he talking about? My Crush on him or the fact that I wasn't from this earth? Or maybe both?

"What are you talking about, dumbass", I tried to play it cool. "I know that you know what I'm talking bout. I'll give you two tips. First, I know that you're in love. Second, the place I took you five days ago", he said. I gasped. He knew it. And both things. I was scared. How would he react? Did I just ruin our friendship? And would it affect my family? 

Oikawa took this as a response. "I wasn't that sure but I guess I was right. You could've just told me, you know? You really hurt me, Iwa-chan", he said. So he didn't care that much. I sighed in relief. I was sure he would mind. But I needed to know what exactly he knew. Maybe I just overreacted. Unlikely but possible. 

"Do you hate me now", I asked. "No why would I? Next time just tell me, I'll help you", he replied, flashing his smile. "I couldn't, I was scared", I answered. "I understand but it's fine. Anyway, tell me about her", he said, leaving me confused. Her? What was he talking about? 

"Your girlfriend", he spoke after a while of m not saying anything. "Huh", I replied. "Gosh, Iwa, don't act like I'm dumb. You have a girlfriend and you go with her to this place and didn't want me to find out", he said. Oh, so that was how he connected the dots. It was somehow more realistic than the truth. But should I tell him that I was dating someone? I would lie but one more lie wouldn't change much. "I'm sorry", I replied. I would tell him that he was right and not to go there and if he asked me to meet her, I'd just tell him that we broke up. It was pretty simple, actually. 

"It's fine, Iwa. Just tell me next time. I'll try not to bother you about it anymore. but if you see something suspicious, tell me", Oikawa said. "Of course", I replied. So this wasn't a problem anymore. I'd tell my parents later. 

My Alien best friend, IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now