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After the realization finally hit me completely, I cried. It was just too much. Why couldn't he just lose those feelings? It would ruin our friendship. I didn't want that to happen. Furthermore, I was scared that I gave him hope which wasn't there. Hope he shouldn't have. If he would confess, everything would be over. But how should I talk to? 

I decided on Mattsun and twenty minutes later, we were sitting in his room. "So what was so urgent that you had to talk to me right now?", he asked. It was true. I told him to immediately put everything away and he did. He knew that it was something important. "I think Iwaizumi has feelings for me", I stated. "You only realized that now?", he joked. "I think I knew it for some time now but didn't want to know. For the sake of our friendship", I said, leaving him confused. "But you like him, right?", he asked. "That's the problem. I don't. I'm straight", I answered. "Poor Iwa", Mattsun said. "I know and believe me if I could I would love him that way as well but I can't", I replied. "What are you going to do now?", Mattsun asked me. I could see that he and Iwa probably talked about this earlier. So it was true. "That's the point. I don't know. I can't return his feelings and just wished he would get over me but I don't think he will soon. And I don't know what to do. I don't want to tell him because it would ruin our friendship. I can keep it safe and I don't mind at all. But I'm not sure if he'll get hope because we're so close", I said. "I can understand where you're coming from but trust me, he wouldn't want you to distant yourself from him. It would just hurt him and make him feel like he did something wrong", Mattsun advised. I understood it and I was glad that I didn't need to distance myself from Iwa. H was really important to me. "But Mattsun. Please try to convince Iwa not to confess if he asks you for advice. If you need to, say I have a girlfriend. I don't want our friendship to end", I said before I left again. I knew that he wanted to text Makki instead of spending more time with me. They grew pretty close in a very short time.  

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