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It's been three days now. Three days since Oikawa ripped out my heart. He did it before and I thought it would hurt less this time but it hurt way more. Knowing that I had lost him forever. We should have never made this mistake. 

Yet, if I had the opportunity to turn back time, I wouldn't change anything. I would still let myself for him. I would still take the offer Oikawa made. I would still date him and I would still let him break my heart into a thousand pieces. I know it was wrong, Makki always told me. I didn't care. I would probably even go back to him if he asked me to. I was sure I would. 

But now, I had to distant myself from him. Makki would kill me if I didn't. So I put up a facade and smiled. If my gaze would meet Oikawas', I would look like I didn't care even though I wanted to curl myself up to a ball and cry. I needed to show him that I'm strong. I needed to prove that I wasn't vulnerable without him even though I was. 

Oikawa avoided me as well. Mattsun somehow stuck with him and Makki hated his boyfriend for that. He almost broke up with Mattsun because of that bit I, luckily, could convince him not to. Just because Mattsun was there for Oikawa didn't mean he betrayed Makki. Makki didn't see it that way but I guess he loved Mattsun too much to just break up with him over something like this. If I told him to, he, of course, would. I told him that he shouldn't do something like that but he just told me that he would do what he wanted. He still acted like a big brother towards me. 

"Don't even think about him. You should try to move on. Go out on a date," Makki said as he caught me staring at Oikawa again. "I know it's wrong but I still love him, okay. I just hope that he talks to me again someday. And I won't date anyone. I wouldn't date someone I don't love. That's just cruel," I replied. "He won't come back and if he tried, I wouldn't let him. And for the last part, Oikawa did the same to you," Makki stated. I knew that he was right but I didn't care. My heart was stronger than my head. At least when it had to do with Oikawa. 

Oikawa. He was currently sitting in the shadow of a chestnut with Mattsun. The same chestnut under which Oikawa and I had spent all our lunch breaks since we joined this school. He was currently reading a book. To my surprise, it wasn't about aliens. Everything that happened between us probably made him lose his interest in the topic. 

I was about to look away when I saw someone approaching them. He was one of the friends of the guy that asked Oikawa for his number about a month ago. I was curious about what he wanted from Oikawa so I continued to watch them. 

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