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After Oikawa left, I broke down crying once again. He broke my heart once more and I wasn't sure if I was able to live with it. I needed Makki. He was the only one who could help me now. He was always there for me and would never leave me. I thought that Oikawa wouldn't ever leave me but that was probably just wishful thinking. He was too good for me anyway although Makki always told me it was the opposite way. But that was normal for friends, wasn't it? 

After a while, Makki finally arrived. I texted him right after Oikawa left and he immediately broke off his date with Mattsun and came here. He really was a good friend although I would do the same for him. 

 "What did he do? Do I need to kill someone?" Makki asked. "He broke up with me", I replied and Makki looked angry. "Why would this little shit do this?" Makki stated. I stayed silent. I didn't want to say the truth. Because if I did, it would mean that I accepted it and I wasn't ready yet. "Mattsun said that he didn't want to hurt you", Makki said. "No, he told me that he didn't want it and it was a mistake", I replied, laughing bitterly. "I'm sorry. That shithead doesn't deserve you. I'm here for you", Makki said and I smiled. Now that Makki was here, it would get better. Makki always made things better. 

"Thank you", I stated. I felt like I needed to tell him how thankful I was. "There's nothing to be thankful for. Just because I'm being a good friend and don't treat you like shit like some other people", Makki replied. "He didn't do a mistake. It was my mistake. I knew that it would hurt if he left me and still I decided to do it. Don't blame him just because I'm the one hurting", I defended the boy I loved. "But it is his fault and I won't argue with you about this. He knew what he would put you through and he still did it. You were just the lovesick fool who accepted his offer", Makki argued and I immediately knew that it wouldn't help if I tried to defend Oikawa. Makki had his opinion fixed and I wouldn't be able to change that any time soon. Maybe I should start to get over Oikawa and maybe I should start to hate him. He was gone and would never come back. I needed to get over him although deep down I knew that I would never be able to. Maybe it was best if I hated him or at least pretended to. Maybe I should try to date someone although I would just end up hurting them because I would never be able to love someone who wasn't Oikawa. He was and would always be the love of my life and nothing would ever change that. 

Maybe, if we didn't come here and stayed in Naothea, I would've fallen in love with someone else. Maybe, we should've stayed there. Maybe, I should go back there. But then again, I didn't want to leave. The earth was my home for so many years now and I couldn't really imagine a life that wasn't here. Yet, I thought about it. When everything got worse, I would always have this as an option. 

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