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I still didn't find out who this pink-haired kid was. No wonder I was surprised when I saw them at our school. They were talking to my class teacher. I think They'll go to my class. It made me happy. Maybe we could be friends. I would, of course, not tell them that I knew their secret. Maybe they would tell me themself one day. Maybe they wouldn't. I would be fine with both. My top priority was proofing it to myself and I did exactly that. I would still do some more research and try to find out things. I now had more hints. It would be great.

"Hello, what's your name", I approached the new kid. "Good Morning, I'm Hanamaki Takahiro", the kid responded. "Cool, I'm Oikawa Tōru", I replied. They smiled. "By the way, what are your pronouns, mine are he/him", I asked. I didn't want to misgender them. "Ehm, he/him, I assume", he responded. "Okay, thanks for telling me. Anyway, you're new?", I asked the obvious. "Yes", he just responded. "Cool, should I show you around later?", I offered. "Sure. I would like that", he said. 

In the first break, I saw him and Iwa talking. I didn't know what they were talking about so I just approached them, "Hello, Iwa-chan, Makki". Makki looked at me in disbelieve, "Why do you have a nickname for me and how come H- Iwaizumi lets you have a nick-name for him?". Did I just imagine things or did this guy almost used Iwa's given name? Maybe he wasn't used to calling someone by their last name. He wasn't from here after all. "Because Iwa-chan loves mee~", I responded. I didn't know if he actually did. I loved him. Platonic. 

"S-shut up dumbass", Iwa responded, he was slightly blushing. It was funny seeing him like that. I just smiled brightly before hugging him, turning on my heel and walking away afterwards. I would let them have their time and get to know each other.  

My Alien best friend, IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now