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Iwa and I were going to school together when I heard someone call for me. Or did they whistle? I didn't know and Iwa didn't seem to notice. Just to make sure that they understood that I didn't want anything to do with them, I grabbed Iwa's hand stronger. He looked surprised at first but then seemed to just ignore it and continued pulling me towards the school. I actually didn't want to go there but the breaks with Makki and Mattsun would be fun. They told us that they were just friends with benefits like Iwa and I were but I could tell that they were lying. They definitely had a thing for each other. 

While we were hanging out, Iwa just kissed me all of a sudden. I became all flustered because I didn't know that we were that far already but I just leaned in and enjoyed it until two people, aka Makki and Mattsun, told us to get a room. I wanted to stop at this point but Iwa somehow wanted to provoke the others and pulled me in for another kiss. I wasn't able to think nor do anything else until Iwa let go. I looked around just to notice that Makki and Mattsun already left and the bell just rang. How did I not comprehend the twenty minutes passing? I just shrugged it off and went to my class. 

After school, I was waiting for Iwa in front of the school. He had to stay there a little longer because he had to talk to his teacher so I was just waiting here. I was casually listening to music and looking at the street when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I was expecting Iwa so I turned around, smiling brightly. My smile immediately dropped when I saw someone that definitely wasn't Iwa. 

"What do you want?", I asked. They didn't answer so I repeated my question. This time a bit louder, "What do you want from me?". "I wanted to have your number, pretty boy", they said and I started feeling really uncomfortable. "I don't want you to have it", I answered. "Oh, why is that? You don't have a boyfriend, do you?", they asked. I was getting more and more uncomfortable so I was really happy and relieved when I saw Iwa approaching me. I looked at him with a pleading look and he seemed to understand. 

"Hey honey, who's that?", Iwa asked as he approached me. "This person wanted my number and wouldn't take no as an answer", I explained. Towards them, I added, "I do have a boyfriend so if you'll excuse me", before walking off. 

While walking, Iwa and I intertwined our hands so that this person wouldn't ever ask for my number again. I told Iwa what happened and he told me that he would always act like my boyfriend if he needed to. I really was grateful to have such a great friend. 

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