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"I'll be fine with it", I heard Iwa reply. It made me blush slightly. Would it make things awkward between the two of us? I hoped it wouldn't. 

"Are you sure about it? It would mean more to you than it would mean to you. It would hurt you. I don't want to hurt you", I said. "Trying won't hurt", he responded with a fake smile on his lips. I knew that he was lying and at least as scared as I was. "You know exactly what could happen. Just tell me you're sure and won't hate me afterwards", I stated. "I could never hate you", he replied, avoiding the actual question. "Do you want it yes or no?", I asked one last time. If he would answer with something vague again, I would just leave. "Yes", he responded. He sounded convinced. It was too late anyway. I couldn't change it now and I honestly didn't want to. 

Okay, let's do it", I said before moving closer to him. He already started blushing and so did I. After I sat down in front of him, he cupped my cheeks and my blush deepened. I was scared. But Iwa just looked at me with a warm smile that was full of trust. It made me believe everything would be alright. 

He leaned forward and his soft, warm lips touched mine. As he did this, an electric feeling went through my whole body. It was as if I was hypnotized. I couldn't think straight anymore. 

Without much thinking, I wrapped my arms around his neck and returned the kiss. At first, it was only our lips moving in sync but at some point, Iwa deepened it. It got more intense to the point where I couldn't breathe anymore and we had to let go. I immediately started to miss his warm lips on mine. And just as I thought that our lips connected again. At this point, I wasn't thinking anymore. I was just living in the moment, not caring what the future would bring. It wouldn't be that bad, would it? 

My Alien best friend, IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now