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I promised Iwa not to go here but I just couldn't help it. I wanted to know. I needed to know. Because he wouldn't tell me. So I was left wondering who his girlfriend was. I still didn't like the thought of that but that was just my possessive self that didn't want to share my best friend. But that didn't change anything about our relationship so it would be fine, right? 

I sighed. He probably wasn't here anymore. It was about 1 am. I couldn't sleep and so I walked here. Maybe I could inspect the place a bit. 

My thoughts got interrupted as I heard some familiar sounds. I quickly hid behind some bushes. Did that really happen? Would I finally be able to see some Aliens? I hoped so. I was really excited. Finally, my theories would get proven. 

I should tell Iwa. But maybe those aliens are shy. I should probably find out some things bout them. Did they look like us? It was possible. According to my theory, all life comes from this one meteorite that crashed on the earth. Through the crash, there, of course, would have been some rest that went back to space. There it could have got to other galaxies and there could be live formed. But they would develop differently, wouldn't they? So it wasn't that likely that they look like us. 

I heard some voices. They were talking. They were talking in English as far as I knew. Was this all a joke? Or maybe they weren't real aliens. Maybe just maybe it was some new spaceship that got tested here. But then again, the government wouldn't do things like that. They had to fight with all those alien theories. They denied every single one so they probably wouldn't give people like me a proof. Besides, this ship looked real. 

I was still hiding. I hoped they wouldn't see me. I finally got to see them. They looked exactly like human beings. The only difference being that their eyes somehow glowed in the dark. I knew that I saw that before but I couldn't exactly put my finger on where it was and who the owner of those eyes was. I just knew that it was more than one time. Probably even more than 20 times. Did that mean that one of the people I knew was an alien? I couldn't imagine that. But it was possible, wasn't it?  

One of them, the youngest, was masculine-looking. They had pink hair and were about my height. I couldn't really see the other two but one had long pink hair and the other had brown, short hair. 

I decided not to bother them any further. They probably wanted to arrive. Besides, I needed to sleep or else Iwa would get suspicious and then I would have to tell him. The only thing I heard before I went home was one of them, the kid saying, "I'm glad we finally arrived. The trip from Naothea really did take a lot of time. I hope nobody saw us". 

My Alien best friend, IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now