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I automatically recognized where we were. This wasn't good. Oikawa found the place where all our spaceships landed. Our family was the first to and because nobody saw us here, the others landed here too and it became some sort of landing site. 

It was the perfect place because it was very secluded. But how did Oikawa find this place? Probably through all the exploring he did. Why couldn't I just tell him? It would make everything easier. 

"Oi, what do you want to do here", I asked him. I needed to tell my parents about this later. "Before you say I'm stupid, please listen to me", Oikawa pleaded. Cute. "Okay but if you start over aliens again, I will tell you how irrealistic that is", I responded to him. I lied again. It was very much possible. It was true. "It is but please just listen to me", Oikawa said and I just tsked. "So, I've seen some ufo-like shaped things and heard some rocket-like sounds here. I can see this place or more the air above from my window. And it wasn't just once, it was at least five times, maybe more", Oikawa said. He really had a sharp mind. "Okay, but how do you know that this is the place and why don't you consider that those weren't just some people with drones?", I asked. I needed to persuade him that this place and aliens aren't connected and that the second wasn't even real. I would lie but I did that so often that I didn't mind anymore. 

"I'll tell you but you have to promise me that you won't think I'm weird and will stay friends with me", he asked in a serious tone. What did he know that could ruin our friendship? Did he find out the truth about me? I was scared. "Of course, dumbass", I responded. "This is also the story why I'm so obsessed with aliens. Anyway, I was about 5, I think when I saw a ufo. And before you say that I was too young to remember, listen. It is one of the only things I remember but I am one-hundred percent sure it happened. There was this ufo and this weird sounds of something landing", he said. So he saw a ufo. And if it really landed when he was five, it was our ufo. That wasn't good. We were the reason why he was that obsessed with us. I definitely needed to talk to my parents later. 

My Alien best friend, IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now