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In the last few days, I went here quite a bit, always hoping Iwaizumi wouldn't be here. It's been three days now. Iwaizumi and I haven't talked at all. I missed him. He has always been there if I needed him and supported me through thick and thin. The only thing that he kept from me was his biggest secret. It hurt but I knew that I could forgive him. If I had been put into his shoes, I'd probably have acted the same way. Still, it hurt. 

What hurt as well, was that he knew Makki longer than me. I was jealous. I couldn't quite put my hand on this feeling but I knew it was there. Maybe I liked him more than I'd ever admit. I quickly shrugged off the thought. I didn't return his feelings, did I?

I was about to doubt the whole mess of emotions also known as feelings, when someone approached me, "Hey Oikawa. I wanted to talk to you". I instantly knew it was Makki. "Sure", I just replied. I knew that he probably wanted to ask me if I would tell anyone so I just told him before he could ask, "I'm not going to tell anyone". "Thank you but that isn't the reason I am here", Makki answered to my surprise. What else would he want to talk about? There was only one logical answer, Iwaizumi. "Fine", I responded. He was first a bit confused until he realized that I was agreeing to the conversation he wanted to start. "You really are smart. Anyway, I wanted to ask you some things. I won't tell Iwa if you don't want me to but I want to understand some things if you're okay with it", he stated. "I'm fine with it. You can tell Iwaizumi unless I tell you not to. And if I don't want to answer I won't. Same goes for questions I don't have an answer to", I agreed. "Okay cool. So first, how long did you know?", he asked. "Pretty long although I pushed it away in order to keep our friendship. I finally realized it the day where I ran off. Well, about the thing with you being aliens. I realized Iwaizumi's feelings a bit sooner", I replied. This seemed to confuse him, "But how did you realize? We didn't say anything about Naothea or anything similar that day". "I saw you. I saw how you and your parents landed. I knew that you weren't from here and I overheard you saying something about Naothea. I was pretty surprised when you went to our school but I guess that was because of Iwaizumi", I answered. "Well that explains a lot and yes, Iwa was the reason why I went to your school", Makki responded. "But what is about his feelings for you. Why did you accept them so easily?", Makki added after a while of me not responding. "I just wanted to keep our friendship and I'm fine with it as long as he doesn't force himself on me what he would never do so I don't care", I answered. "That makes sense but don't you return his feelings?", Makki asked further. "I sadly don't but everyone else thinks I do", I responded, chuckling. "If everyone thinks it's true then maybe it is. Maybe you just deny those feelings in order to protect yourself from getting hurt", Makki argued before he just left. 

My Alien best friend, IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now