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"Maybe you just deny those feelings in order to protect yourself from getting hurt"

This sentence has been on my mind since Makki spoke with me one week ago. I thought about it all the time and it even chased me into my dreams. Did I like Iwa romantically or not? I talked to Mattsun about it and doubted it in my head over and over. Yet, I couldn't figure it out.

The only good thing that happened was that Iwa and I made up. It was still a bit awkward but it got better. He said that he would be fine with me knowing about his feelings and I assured him that I didn't mind those feelings. I also forgave him for the lies. I honestly overreacted a bit but he forgave me. 

I took a lot 'are you in love' quizzes which resulted in 'yes, you are' and 'no you're just really close, it's platonic'. It was exactly 50-50 so I had no idea where I was. I needed to tell Iwa but I didn't want to give him false hopes. 

That was when I decided to talk to Makki. He and Iwa were childhood friends after all. That he knew about aliens was also helpful because I could be completely honest. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. The only problem was that I didn't know where he lived. 

Finding Makki got more problematic than I assumed it would be because we haven't exchanged numbers yet but I just asked Mattsun if he could give me Makki's number what he did.

After I texted him to meet me at the place where they landed, I went there. I sat there a while before Makki finally arrived. 

"Thanks for coming", I said after he sat down next to me. "Sure thing. Do you want to talk about my origin or about Iwa", he asked. "The second one", I replied. He just nodded in response. "What you said, I thought about it all the time since that day. I don't know anymore", I stated. "What do you mean by you don't know anymore?", he asked. "I have no idea if I like him or not. I really want to but then there's this aspect that I don't know if I want to be with him because he is my best friend and I don't want to see him hurt or because I actually like him", I answered. "I see. Maybe talk to him", he recommended. "But I don't want him to get false hope", I argued. "Better false hope than never realizing your feelings. Just tell him that you don't know yet and maybe he'll try to help figure it out", Makki advised. "That sounds good. Thank you", I replied. I really liked the idea of that. Iwa would help me and maybe just maybe he would end up being my boyfriend. 

My Alien best friend, IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now